Kitty Yami

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[5 weeks later]

Yugi's POV

"Hey Yugi, how are you?" Anzu asked. "I'm fine, but Yami is acting strange" I said staring at the ancient spirit currently sitting in the corner surrounded by pillows growling like an angry kitten. "Um you do remember that we can't see him right?" Anzu asked. "Oh, that's right. At the moment he is in the corner with all the pillows growling like a feral kitten, oh he just buried his head in the pillow, oh my ra I didn't think he could be so adorable. He looks like an angry kitten" I chirped before bouncing over to my partner joining in on his little feral kitten game. "Yugi!, are you trying to kill us with cuteness because it's working" Anzu said pointing to Joey who had fainted. Just then the Kaiba brothers walked into the game shop. "What are doing Motou?" Seto asked. I buried my head in the pillow before peeking up with fierce intense, a ferocious sparkle in my eyes and let out a growl with the ferocity of a tiny angry kitten, 《I think I broke Kaiba》 *I've never seen Seto act this way* I didn't expect Kaiba to pick me up "I'm taking this with me, bye" Seto said trying to walk out the door with me. "Oh no you don't Kaiba" Jonouchi said taking me from Seto's grasp. "Who would have thought a puppy would protect a tiny kitten" Seto growled. "I am not a puppy, how many times do I have to tell you" Jonouchi barked. "Give me your tiny kitten and I'll stop calling you a puppy" Seto replied. Jonouchi looked confused "kitten?" I attempted to get out of my friends grasp to go hide from Kaiba. "The poor little kitten that you're holding like a sack of potatoes" Kaiba replied. Anzu snatched me away from Jonouchi "don't touch our little kitten, he belongs with his partner and his friends" Anzu snapped. "Ok, mother hen. I won't take your precious kitten" Seto retorted before walking away with Mokaba. "I am not a mother hen" Anzu yelled after Kaiba. "Can you please put me down" I asked. She gently put me down on the pillow next to Yami. "How dare he try to take Yugi, how dare he compare us to animals. He's got some nerve if he thinks he can just waltz in and take whatever he wants" Anzu growled. *lol she is like a mother hen, well more like a mother cat protecting her kittens* 《ever since we told her we were together she has taken on more of a protective older sister role to me》 *it might be because she likes being close to you, from what I've seen Anzu has always acted like an older sister to you but now she is more protective than ever* 《ya I noticed, it's nice knowing she will always be the sister I never had》 *it's getting late and you look tired* just as Yami said that Anzu picked me up and rearranged the pillows to make a pillow fort. She then placed a large fluffy blanket inside to act as a makeshift bed. "There are only two guest rooms and Jonouchi and Honda already claimed them, so you will sleep out here in the pillow fort" Anzu said handing me a pillow for my head and a fluffy blanket to keep warm. "Thanks Anzu" I said crawling into the fort. "Good night Yugi, good night Yami" Anzu replied before heading to her room. "Good night Anzu" I said before falling asleep.

[2 hours later(3:00 am)]

Something had woken me up but I didn't know what. I looked to my side to see my puzzle right where I left it, I crawled out of my fort and looked around the room to see nothing. I looked towards the right side of my pillow fort and realized one of the windows in the living room was broken, I began to panic. 'Someone broke in, what do I do' I thought frightened, I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings until I felt someone cover my mouth. "Keep quiet or I'll kill you" the intruder said. If I could only reach my puzzle, Yami would make this guy sorry he even stepped foot on this property. I bit the man's hand and ran towards my puzzle, I didn't make it before the man grabbed me by my hair and threw me against the broken window, he then began to choke me. I grabbed the nearest thing to me and threw it as hard as I could against Anzu's bedroom door, trying to get anyone's attention. It worked as Anzu, Jonouchi and Honda came running out.

Anzu's POV

I was peacefully sleeping until a loud crash against my door woke me up, it came from the living room. 'Yugi's out there' I thought as I ran out to see what was going on. I was shocked to see a man choking Yugi, I quickly grabbed the rifle my dad kept in the hall closet and shot a warning shot "get out or next time I shoot you" I growled. It worked, the man released Yugi and bolted out the door. The man didn't get very far, one of my neighbors heard the man break the window and immediately called the police. I ran over to Yugi "are you alright" I asked concerned. Come to think about it, people almost always have a tendency to target our youngest and smallest friend. I gently picked up Yugi as he had passed out from lack of oxygen, I walked over to his pillow fort and grabbed his puzzle before carrying Yugi to my room. I quickly remade his pillow fort in the corner of my room closest to my bed before carefully placing him inside and covering him with the fluffy blanket. I put his puzzle on a pillow right outside the fort before crawling into my bed and going back to sleep.

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