The Obedient Cub

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Yugi's POV

Bakura wanted me to stay at his house for a while. "I'm out of milk! But I want cookies and milk!" Bakura complained. "I can go get some milk" I said. "I'd appreciate that, but be careful" he replied before I left for the supermarket. *you're just going to do whatever he wants you to?* 《he was raped by a demon, the creature had targeted me! He sacrificed himself, it's the least I can do》 I walked over to the refrigerators and grabbed a gallon of milk. I quickly paid for the milk and headed back to Bakura's house. "I got the milk Bakura" I said gently placing the gallon on the counter. "Thanks Yugi, would you like some cookies too?" He asked. I nodded before he poured two glasses of milk and placed five cookies in front of me. <Bakura seems sweet and kind, he doesn't seem like he would take advantage of you> +we all have a dark side we don't want anyone to see, we don't know if Bakura might fall prey to it+ *Yugi, are you listening?* 《no》 <really little prince> 《what?》 *never mind, it wasn't anything important* I tilted my head confused 《why are you so angry?》 I got no response from any of the four spirits.

[Time skip]

Bakura had asked me to clean the house while he was gone. 《Guys?》 Still no response. I huffed annoyed before starting to clean the kitchen. I had only managed to clean the kitchen and seven bedrooms before Bakura walked in the front door, he didn't look very happy. "Bakura, are you alright?" I asked concerned. "Ya, I just went down to the bakery and they were out of profiteroles!" He growled. I smiled "lucky for you I baked some, I figured you would want some" I replied pointing to the container on the counter. I was startled as Bakura picked me up "thank you Yugi, your baking classes are really paying off" he said as he happily munched on his pastries. I purred happily "I'm glad you like them because I made too much" I said. He gently placed me on the ground before grabbing the six other containers and storing them in the freezer. "They stay fresher longer in the freezer" he replied. Each container held forty profiteroles, that made 280. Bakura turned to me "I'm going out to have dinner with our friends, I'll see you later. I'll bring you some leftovers" he said before heading out the door. *they didn't even invite us! He's treating you like a dog, feeding you leftovers!* I whimpered before pulling out my phone. I scrolled through until I found Anzu's contact.

Yugi: what are you doing?

Anzu: I'm grounded

Yugi: I'm all alone, I wanted to see if I could join you

Anzu: no sorry

Yugi: oh, ok. Sorry for bothering you

I looked up at the calendar, June 4th. <little prince, are you alright?> I whimpered as the day was coming to an end 《it's 9:00 pm》 I curled up on the couch 《my friends forgot my birthday》 /we're here, we didn't forget/ <+/*happy birthday Yugi*/+> 《thanks》

[12:00 am]

I shivered, jumping at every shadow that moved. <he's been gone for 3 hours> 《it's now the 5th, my birthday is over》

[8:00 am]

I curled up crying 《it's been 11 hours, my anxiety is overwhelming》 I hadn't slept at all, too terrified. I pulled out my phone and texted Anzu.

Yugi: do you know where Bakura is?

Anzu: ya, he slept at my house. Why?

Yugi: is he awake?

Anzu: ya. Why?!

Yugi: never mind, I'll just go to Kaiba's mansion. He wouldn't leave me alone for 11 hours!

Anzu: please excuse me, I'm going to have a little chat with Bakura

I stared shocked 《I think I just Bakura in trouble, I feel sorry for him. He has to face Anzu's rath》 I looked up as the door was kicked in and Bakura was thrown through the door. "Hey Yugi" Anzu said as she walked in. I tackled her "Anzu!" I shouted happy to see her. "You alright little cub?" She asked concerned. "I am now" I replied purring. *remember, your friends forgot your birthday* "I'm sorry I wasn't here for your birthday yesterday, my mom wouldn't let me go out" she replied. "It's ok" I replied. She pulled a present from her purse "I had ordered this earlier this week and had Serenity pick it up yesterday" Anzu said handing the small box to me. I unwrapped the gift, I giggled "Yami suggested this didn't he?" I asked. She smiled "yes, do you like it though?" She questioned. I lifted up the spiked choker "ya I do" I replied before removing my choker and placing the new one on. *it looks good on you* <the little prince could make anything look good> /let's test that theory, make him put on a dress/ 《no!》 +it ruins your adorable appearance but you do look badass+ <you wear a lot of black, did the pharaoh make you?> 《he thought it looked good on me》 I was startled as Malik jumped over the couch being chased by Roxy, the fox's collar snagged on the spikes of my choker. I gasped as I was dragged to the ground, struggling to unbuckle the choker. *aibou!* both Roxy and I struggled to breathe as my choker and her collar pulled tightly against our necks. <no more spiked chokers!> 《I can't get the choker off!》 I had no choice but to break the choker, I dropped the accessory to the ground before unbuckling Roxy collar, which was pulled too tight. "I'm sorry little prince, I didn't mean to cause so much trouble" Malik said helping me up. "It's ok Malik, it was an accident" I replied as I placed my original choker back on. I purred happily as I felt much better with my choker <why is the choker so important to you?> 《Yami gave it to me when I first discovered his presence》 *Awww, aibou* +that's sweet+ I yawned "can you please take me home Anzu" I asked barely able to stay awake. She picked me up "of course little cub" she replied before carrying me to my house. I curled up as she placed me in my bed, I cuddled my plush Yami dragon. "Good night Yugi" Anzu said before covering me with my blanket "good night Anzu" I replied before falling asleep.

[To be continued]

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