lmh ♡ .01

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i started a new semester last wednesday and i can honestly say i'm fucked. completely and utterly fucked. i have to see ugly numb nuts early in the morning, especially one specific species of numb nuts. han jisung. he's popular, but not for the right reasons. he always says a lot of useless irritating things. i'll go to prison soon if he keeps testing me. i always find myself in embarrassing situations because of that obnoxious uncooked pasta with two brain cells on life support. it happens a lot since he sits next to me in my math class. like last week, he thought sending me his nudes would get me to share my homework answers. i wanna kick him so far away from here, google maps won't be able to find his ass.

our school is honestly abysmal. classrooms filled with students and covered in chipped walls. the halls crowded and noisy. the school lacks a bunch of supplies that sometimes the teachers have to share. many teachers come and go, never lasting more than 3 years. multiple fights breaking out over disputes on stupid things. the school just seems to be running on 1 brain cell at this point.

my math class is what i dread the most cause i know that idiot will be there. as i walked, i saw he was already seated by the window in the back. i puffed out my cheeks before proceeding to walk towards my desk. i set my stuff down and ignored the stares jisung gave me. jeongin and hyunjin sat in the seats in front of me.

jeongin turned around to face me, smiling brightly. "hyung, are you free after school ?" he asked, leaning forward and resting his head on his hands as he placed them on my desk.

i cleared a few things and took out what i needed for the class. "i don't know, maybe. why?" i asked, thinking about the teachers that might ruin my plans. they are honestly a phat pain in my kashoot.

"you always stay in the dorm. do you even have a life, hyung?" jeongin asked, making the idiot next to me chuckle.

"what's so funny?" i asked jisung, annoyed by his presence already.

"why are you so bitter? you're even more bitter than the school lunches." jisung replied back

"suck it jisung" i retorted, not even sparing him a glance

"i'll suck you," jisung said cheekily. i turned to look at him and scoffed. i could feel my face heat up, but i wouldn't give him the satisfaction of seeing me in such a state. this idiot just says things so carelessly. hyunjin and jeongin laughed and turned, their attention back to the front of the classroom.

"shut up jisung. that's gay" i mumbled, covering up my embarrassed expression by looking forward. he didn't get to retaliate because mr. lee came in telling him to shut up, which made me laugh a bit. mentally at least.

i tried concentrating on the lesson, but the idiot kept putting his hand on my thigh. i tried swapping it away a few times, but it got more difficult when he started squeezing it gently. i sucked in a heavy breath, gripping my pen, making my knuckles turn white. i lowered my head as i wrote down the notes. this just caused jisung to move his hand even higher on my leg.

"quit it," i said under my breath, my voice betraying me when it wavered. the smirk on jisung's face showed he heard me.

"quit what?" jisung asked, batting his eyelashes as he leaned closer lowering his head so we were nearly eye level.

"you know what you're doing. now quit it, i'm trying to focus." i whispered, shoving his face away. i turned to face the board once again, trying to copy the notes.

"focus on me, hyung" jisung responded in a soft low voice. i didn't reply. i figured if i didn't, he would leave me alone. i was very wrong. the next moment my pen was pulled out of my hand and dragged across my paper, leaving a big scratch on my notes.

i turned to see him smiling sheepishly at me. i tried taking deep breaths to ease my frustration. he lowered his head to get my pen and i saw the back of his neck in perfect view. without even thinking about it, i saw it as the perfect opportunity. i smacked him, hoping that it would knock some sense into his tiny brain since nothing else seemed to work.

"han! lee! stop touching each other. detention after school." mr. lee said, making our heads snap up to the front of the room where everyone was looking at us.

"yes sir" we both replied. hyunjin and jeongin laughed at the two of us along with some of the girls in the room.

"wow, a blowjob in class? nice, minho hyung" jeongin whispered giving me a thumb ups.

hyunjin shoved his shoulder "more like a brojob" he whispered back smirking. if i could, i'd smack these two gremlins upside the head. mr. lee just resumed his lesson unbothered.

i sank lower into my seat, dying of embarrassment. jisung just sprang back up, that stupid smile on his face like it always was. i guess i do have plans after school after all. too bad i have to spend it with han jisung of all people.


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