lmh ♡ . 37

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the next few weeks everything was back to how it use to be. jisung and i were spending more time together. that jisung practically lived in my room. he'd meet me at the end of our last class and we'd walked back to my dorm together. sometimes of course we'd go out on a date or to the convenience store but mostly we'd just spend time with each other to make up for the lost time.

we would have movie nights more often. those nights would be spent where jisung would occasionally hit me with a pillow to get my attention or he'd just steal a kiss when i wasn't paying attention. he would also initiate a pillow fight with me at random times during a movie. sometimes we would just lay in bed staring at each other and doing nothing but stealing kisses from one another or sometimes i would lay with jisung listening to his day or just his heartbeat. of course i'd try to brighten up his day by making us sing karaoke or dancing to slow songs in the dark or even just cooking for him throughout the day when i could. but when we had time i'd take him on a road trip to watch the sunset then take the long way home making many stops just so i could show jisung the world.

but lately i have talked more with felix and hyunjin. i talked with felix and tried to get along with him since he holds a special place in changbin's heart and i wanted to make amends with hyunjin. i still wanted to be friends with him.

he seemed to have worked things out with jeongin. things seemed normal for them but hyunjin told me they hadn't made anything official despite him telling jeongin how he felt and that jeongin didn't reciprocate his feelings. i was the first one he came to when he told him. and i was the one who had to get him back up on his feet. i know jeongin likes hyunjin so i was surprised that he didn't tell him when hyunjin confessed. i did try and help him by talking to jeongin but it doesn't seem like much changed. jeongin has his mind made up on not confessing despite hyunjin liking him back.

the year was ending in a few weeks. it had been eventful and was by far my favorite year because for once i think i really found the one. chan had asked if we all wanted to go to the fair this week and we all agreed. we had all taken our year ends exams. except this time jisung said he wanted to study with me so that i could help him out or maybe he wanted to get away from felix ether way i was not complaining. so changbin had helped jeongin while i helped jisung. i didn't study for many hours like i usually did because jisung was around to make me rest when needed and give me back rubs which i appreciated. he was easy to teach except sometimes he would zone out every now and then where i would just catch him staring at me when i would try to teach him. which i normally wouldn't complain about but i didn't want him to fail.

jisung had gone to his room to change while i changed in mine. we were going to meet up outside to go to the fair and just enjoy ourselves. i paired a silky long sleeved black button up with a few buttons undone like i usually do since i know jisung likes it and tucked it in black skinny jeans with a belt and with a red jacket over it. i left my hair parted and did my makeup on the smokier side with red sparkly makeup on my lids. jeongin had curled his hair and put on a pink beret. he wore a oversized white long sleeved shirt that had pastel pink stripes and blue washed up jeans. he wore a puffy brown coat over it. he even wore a little bit of makeup which he normally didn't but i didn't question him. he looked adorable overall.

once we were both ready jeongin held my hand and we headed out to wait for the others. we weren't the first ones there. chan was there with changbin and felix. it looked like chan was awkwardly third wheeling with them before we came because he looked relieved when he saw us. felix and changbin had some couple matching clothes going on as well. felix was hugging changbin from behind and talking in his ear while changbin leaned against his chest. changbin genuinely seemed interested in whatever felix was talking about and felix was practically glowing with changbin in his arms. they seemed well engrossed with each other paying no mind to us.

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