lmh ♡ .04

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watching people go back to their dorms is painful when i have to sit in detention doing absolutely nothing. the teacher isn't even here. i could just leave, but this is the only time i have to myself.

i pulled out a sheet of paper, hyunjin's notes for math and began copying since i'd be here a while. mr. lee gave us a lot of notes and i'm behind since jisung ruined them. speaking of the devil, in he came. i swear it's like he's searching for a victim and with my luck i'm in the only other person in here.

i look back to my notes and continue writing. i'm not gonna let him get the best of me again. i could hear his footsteps resonating on the tiles. it just kept getting closer until i heard the chair scrape next to me.

"minho hyung, did you miss me?" jisung asked as he sat down, turning his body to look at me.

"no" i replied not even looking up from my notes.

"hyung, you're so mean" he whined. i glanced up from my paper to catch him pouting before i went back to writing. it didn't really have an affect on me.

"i'm not you're just annoying me" i replied. it grew quite for a while which kind of freaked me out.

when i looked up, jisung was still next to me but he was playing with the sleeves of his shirt.

"what's up with you now?" i asked as to his sudden change in behavior.

"nothing" jisung replies still not looking up. this kid i swear.

"what i learned from girls is that it's always something" i answered. my answer made him flinch.

"hyung, you've dated girls before?" jisung asked softly still looking down. where is he even going with this?

"what's that got to do with why you're upset?" i asked, now just plainly confused.

"you didn't answer again, hyung." jisung mumbled before looking up to meet my gaze.

"my love life has nothing to do with the reason why you're upset. it's my private business." i snapped. i didn't intend to, but i saw him physically flinch. i just didn't want to talk about my love life. it's a topic i'm not comfortable sharing. especially with someone like jisung.

he avoided looking at me afterwards and he got up moving to sit somewhere else. i didn't turn around to see if he was okay. instead i finished my notes and waited till it was time to leave. when i stepped out changbin was already there waiting for me. he looked behind me and seemed to notice the tension, but he didn't ask any questions.

"wanna go out and get food before going to the dorms?" changbin asked to break the silence. i could feel jisung's stare on my back as i walked, but i ignored it.

"sure. i need to get a few things anyway" i replied as we held hands walking.


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