hjs ♡ .22

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the morning sun peeked though the shades, shining in my eyes. i slowly opened my eyes to see minho still sleeping next to me. the night before was a lot for the both of us, but here with him reminded me of how patient and compassionate he really was. i laid next to him, admiring his side profile. he tiredly turned to face me, mumbling as he did so. i smiled at him. my fingers danced along his bare chest and trailed down to his belly button. he had the cutest tummy.

after a few minutes of admiring him, i couldn't help but peck his soft lips. suddenly minho wrapped his arms around me, not letting me pull away. he was so perfect. after a few amazing seconds, i pulled away and smiled at him. he opened his eyes slowly.

"morning" i said, running my fingers through his messy hair.

"morning" he responded, his voice tired and groggy but sweet like honey.

"we have to get up. come on min" i said, sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

"min?" he questioned. the nickname kinda just slipped out. i always wanted to call him it, but wasn't sure if i could've or not. he sat up beside me.

"i-i'm sorry. i w-wanted to give you a nickname" i stuttered, regretting even saying it.

i felt him shuffling around on the bed, then his arms wrapping around my torso from behind. "you already have a nickname for me though"

aUthor-nim what fucking chapter did i give him a nickname?!

a/n* idk u fucking tUrkey-

"what nickname?" i asked him, ready to feel bad if i had forgotten. he leaned even closer to me, his cheek against the back of my neck. i felt him smirk.

"yours" he whispered, then planted soft kisses along my neck and shoulder.

i couldn't handle minho teasing me. i wasn't used to receiving affection back, so it was a weird feeling for me. the way his fingers grazed my bare skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps where they lingered. the feel of his soft lips on my body was enough to send a surge of electricity though my veins.

"h-hyung!" i stammered, covering my tomato face. he laughed at me and pulled me back to lay down with him. i buried my face in his chest until i was sure the blushing was less noticeable.

"your moms made breakfast for us. they're really nice" i said, trailing my hands down his chest. "yeah, they like you. that's why." he responded.

hyung's family was really nice. i wish i could have a family that nice. maybe i'd need to become an orphan or something.

"hyung, you're adopted right?" i asked, looking back into his eyes now.



a/n* my bad ;)

tHAts all you have to say to me???? i look like a goddamn moron!!

a/n* oh yeah,, now you look like a moron. want me to make you shit your pants rn? i'm the goddamn author, i can do whatever i want


i snapped out of my argument with the author and listened to minho explain. "no, irene is my mom. she got pregnant with my dad, but he left her. she then met seulgi and they grew to like each other. i never met my dad but i don't care to. he left her and i took his spot of the man in the house. irene and seulgi always taught me how treat a girl and boy with respect equally. so they're my parents, not my dad. he was just a part of the process." i nodded, listening to everything he had to say.

"well, i can see where you get your looks hyung" i told him, being honest. he shoved me lightly as his face started to turn pink. i whined at him, pretending that it hurt cause he thinks i'm cute ;)

"you have no shame do you?" his face even more flushed now.

"nope" i responded, laying my head on his chest. i paused for a minute before i asked. "is this what you meant about knowing girls well?"

"yeah, i also had a few girls crushing on me back in school. i didn't want to hurt their feelings so i'd go to my moms for advice." he told me.

i smiled. out of all the boys and girls that have liked minho, he still chooses my bum ass.

irene shouted to the two of us that breakfast was ready and that we better eat it while it was hot. minho ran his fingers through my hair, messing it up a bit. the both of us got up to put on some clothes. my clothes and suitcase were still a little wet and cold from the night before so minho had lent me some of his. he handed me a white short sleeve t-shirt along with some light washed jeans. i headed to the bathroom to change into them. i looked back at myself in the mirror, noticing how funny i looked considering the clothes were oversized. i shrugged, brushing my teeth an rinsing my face before i left the bathroom.

i stepped out, letting minho walk in. once he finish, he came back out and looked me up and down. then he handed me the blue hoodie that was draped on his arm. i smiled, taking it from him. he helped me pull it over my head, then fixed my hair since it got all messy.

"don't get cold" he said softly, planting a kiss on my neck before he grabbed my hand and pulled me downstairs.

minho's moms were cuddling on the sofa. i smiled as i passed them, heading into the dining room. we sat and ate together. it was nice. being with him and knowing that he was enjoying his time with me. i hoped we could spend more time like this together. i placed my fork full of food in front of minho's mouth, but he didn't refuse. this time he opened his mouth and accepted without a rebuttal. he even fed me some of his.

when we were done, minho kissed my cheek and told me to keep his moms company while he washed dishes. so i did. irene and seulgi went on and on about what a cute couple me and minho were. i didn't have the heart to say we weren't official yet, but it was nice hearing the word couple come out of their mouths.

minho came out of the kitchen and accompanied us in the living room. he sat and pulled me into him. i cuddled up against him, laying my head in his chest. i could feel his moms looking at the two of us and i didn't want to face them with a flushed face. we watched cartoons, commenting at all different parts. minho kissed the top of my head. i bet he thought i couldn't hear his heart beating a mile a minute.


almost forgot to update again,, i'm so tired but how are you guys doing ? also ty for 15k !! -mina

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