hjs ♡ special chapter

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it didn't take felix and i long to find the soccer field and utilize it while faculty couldn't penalize us. it was only about a week before classes actually started and all the students were just hanging around campus. first years like me and felix were learning the ins and outs of the campus grounds before we had to start attending our classes.

me and felix were running soccer drills and shooting goals. also,, the author knows nothing about soccer pls don't judge her ;) but anyways, me and felix were running drills for about an hour by now.

"that's 12 more goals than you." i exclaimed, sticking my tongue out at felix as he failed to block the ball. felix stuck his middle finger up at me then jogged over to get the ball.

i ran over near the goal and felix, where we had placed our water bottles. i opened the cap and started to chug the water. the day was sunny and warm considering fall was approaching. felix and i were soaked in sweat. he walked over towards me and grabbed his water bottle.

when i placed the bottle back on the fake grass, something caught my eye. someone for that matter.

the most beautiful boy i'd ever seen was walking along the track around the field. the taller one of the pair had messy but groomed dark hair. he had it brushed in a way that showed off his forehead, revealing his eyebrows and pretty skin. his eyes were slightly puffy, but in the prettiest way. his nose had to have been sculpted by god himself and his lips were plump and pink. i could most definitely cut my finger along his jawline. his shoulders were pretty wide and his entire upper body was definitely more built than mine. he was wearing just a plain black t-shirt and a pair of grey nike sweatpants. grey sweatpants. i couldn't help but notice something else that made me blush.

"um, hello? jisung? are your ears broken or something?" felix asked, shoving my shoulder. i hadn't even realized i'd completely zoned out until i was brought back to reality.

"w-who is he?" i questioned, still not able to take my eyes off the boy.

"ahh, well the shorter one is changbin-hyung. he's a 2nd year but i call dibs, so you better be drooling over the other one." felix threatened.

"oh don't worry, i already am." i assured him.

he chuckled and placed a hand on my shoulder. "that's lee minho, he's a 3rd year already so i wouldn't get your hopes up."

i sighed. felix pulled my arm, bringing me back to the field. we kept scoring goals, seeing which of us could reach 30 consecutive goals first. i was almost there, when i saw minho circling the track once again in perfect view. he was laughing about something and leaning on his friend.

it made me a tad jealous to see them in such a manor. even though i just learned his name 5 minutes ago and i haven't spoken a single word to him, i couldn't help but get annoyed seeing him with that other boy.

in spite, i kicked the ball in their direction, hoping to hit changbin. but they had moved slightly and let's just say changbin wasn't the one hit with the soccer ball.

"ah-fuck!" minho shouted, clutching his cheek. he continued cursing not so under his breath. he searched around to look for whoever was responsible and i shivered as his eyes fell on me.

i started jogging over to the pair while felix stayed behind but watched. i felt bad it hit him so i wanted to apologize and maybe start up a conversation, but once i heard how angry the boy was, i decided that wasn't the route to go.

"watch where you're going!" i shouted at him once i was close enough.

his eyebrows furrowed and his face read rage. "watch where i'm going?! you should watch where you're fucking aiming you fucking idiot!" he yelled, even louder this time.

i rolled my eyes at him. honestly, the yelling was kind of hot. let's turn this into a game and see how mad i can make him.

"i'll have you know i have good aim" i replied, giving him a sassy pose as well.

he started pointing in felix's direction furiously. "yeah well your opponent is on the other fucking side! you twat!" he shouted louder than i ever heard someone shout before.

"it's not my fault you didn't look where you were going." i told him casually.

"well gee i didn't think i'd get hit with a fucking ball! watch where you aim your balls!" he shouted. ah- lee minho. you make it too easy to bug you. i could feel the corner of my lips curling upwards into a smirk subconsciously.

"you look like the type to like balls to your face though" i teased. his friend was laughing and i could hear felix giggling as well.

"i don't like balls to my face." his tone was even more serious and angry now. i could tell that he was ready to leave the conversation, so i tried to keep talking for a little longer.

"you've been here a long time?" i asked him, taking a few steps closer.

"are you calling me old?" he asked, completely baffled by my attitude toward him.

"no, i'm hitting on you" i responded plainly. he still seemed annoyed with me.

"you have a funny way of showing it" he stared at me, disgust apparent on his face. i had to think of something quick. something to catch his interest. well, everyone likes sex right? i have a plethora of subtly sexual pick up lines, so i smirked before i spoke.

"i'm just curious. how about this. i'll make it up to you. it's okay if you're busy, but why don't you put me on your to do list?"

yeah, that was definitely not the moves.

he narrowed his eyes at me as if he were primal. "i don't wanna be associated with you" he said, his words jabbing me in my side with the way they stung.

"oh come on. i'm sorry for hitting you. i'm just trying to help you" i tried, actually trying to be genuinely nice this time.

"why don't you slip into something more comfortable? like a coma" he said ruthlessly, without any remorse. i took a step back, widening my eyes at how straightforwardly he spoke. was i really that bad? ""hey i'm just trying to help you" he added, mocking my tone.

"i see i caught you in a bad timing" i said.

"you don't say" he responded sarcastically. he rubbed his cheekbone which was already starting to take on a red-purple color.

this time he started walking away, no intentions of turning around either so i started to follow him.

"if i throw a stick will you leave?" he said once he realized i had been following him. i shook my head at him.

"maybe some other time then?" i questioned.

he shook his head and rubbed his temples. "i like your approach but now i wanna see you leave" he said without a single stutter. he likes my approach? hm.

he pulled onto the other boy's hand and continued walking as far away from me as he could. i questioned whether or not he'd turn and face me. but he didn't. and i didn't think he would.

"what was that all about?" felix asked as i headed back to him with the soccer ball in hand.

"oh not much. just the beginning stages of my 'get lee minho to fall in love with me' plan" i told him enthusiastically.


so graduation is on sunday and i was shopping in the mall and i'm like soooo tired,, but guess what- i got called into work :) lololololol i wanna die but ty for 12k+ -mina

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