lmh ♡ .09

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jisung wasn't that annoying to the point where i'd wanna hit him with a metal chair at the diner. i just kind of wish he was like that all the time because i enjoyed his company. i felt like my old self and for once i didn't feel like i had to rely on changbin.

a couple of days passed. i still found him annoying but i could tolerate it a little bit now. i decided to go to the convenience store so when my last classes finished, i went the opposite way of the dorms. i had asked changbin to come with me since i didn't like going alone, but he was spending time with felix. i have no problem with it. after all it is his 'future husband'. i put my hands in my jeans pocket as i walked.

"minho hyung!" i heard a voice yell. i turned to see jisung running up to me. his hair was bouncing with each step. it looked really fluffy. i wanted to touch it.

once he was in front me he was panting heavily with little beads of sweat running down his forehead. i reached in my bag and pulled out a wipe. i wiped his forehead, ignoring his stares.

"you're face is red" i told him as i finally looked at him. he averted his eyes looking anywhere else.

"well i did run" he muttered. i hummed in response. he did have a point.

"do you need anything?" i asked him making him look at me again. he smiled.

"you" he replied. i looked at him blankly before turning around to walk away.

ah what is this? why am i getting flustered?

"wait-" he grabbed my arm to hold me in place. "where are you going hyung?" he asked

"convenience store, changbin usually comes with me but he's with felix. wanna come?" i asked turning to look at him.

"of course" he replied before we began walking towards the store. he seemed happier today more than usual.

he was bold enough to grab my hand intertwining our fingers. i didn't really mind his hands. they were soft so we walked holding hands until we reached the store.

"what are you getting hyung?" jisung asked as he looked around.

"just junk food. do you want anything?" i asked him. he was looking around before his eyes landed on a bag of chips. his eyes light up and he pointed at it. "cute.." i mumbled more to myself, but he seemed to have heard since he turned to look at me with his cheeks flushed.

i walked over grabbing a bag to recollect myself. i then proceeded to look around for what i was looking for. jisung was next to me the entire time. he made jokes whenever he could. i would occasionally laugh or smile at his attempts. i held up a bag of hot cheetos to jisung.

"hyung, i think you're hotter than those" he answered smiling cheekily. i could feel my face flush again as i smacked his arm.

i was about to go look at another aisle when i felt my heart drop. i started to feel sick and i regretted coming here. any attempt jisung had just made to make me laugh or smile was gone. i could feel my eyes start to water.

"hyung why'd you stop?" jisung asked next to me putting his hand on my arm. i made sure he wouldn't see my face.

"jisung do me a favor go pay for these. i'll meet you there." i told him my voice shaky as i handed him enough money. i turned him away from where i couldn't pull my eyes away from and pushed him towards the checking out section. he looked at me concerned before leaving to pay.

i tried to calm down, but my breathing started to quicken up. the store started to feel crowded and uncomfortable. i just wanted to go home and cry. i could feel all the feelings i buried a long time ago coming back. i got the same feeling i had when it happened. i wiped my tears and turned to walk away when i felt someone grab my hand.

"minnie?" the person said. i turned to look them in the eyes. i could feel my heart break. the last person i wanted to see. the only person who ever called me that (maybe because it's your fucking name jk i love him) "hey..." woojin began as he wrapped his arms around me. the old feeling of being held high up was gone and now felt unfamiliar. after everything he's done to me. he still has the nerve to try and touch me. all the pain he still makes me feel this way. he kissed my forehead and i let him because i was always weak when it came to him. nothing changed that, not even time. i would just need one reason and i know i'd go crawling back. i was always a fool for him because no matter how many times i practiced leaving him, i never could until it was too late. he'd sweet talked me into staying all the time.

"hey get your hands off him! he's mine!" i heard a voice say before i was yanked away. it was jisung holding the bags of food. he stood in front of me glaring at woojin.

woojin didn't even seemed phased. he kept his eyes on me as i wiped my tears quickly so that jisung wouldn't see me this way. i was glad jisung was there to step in because if i stayed with woojin alone any longer, i don't know if i'd be strong enough. jisung made feel like i had strength enough to see through his act.

"minnie, you look good" woojin said as he let his eyes roam. i felt sick hearing his words. it would have made my heart flutter before, but now i know that those words are empty. but he knows he stills has a hold over me. "he's good in bed" woojin added glancing at jisung before his eyes focused on me. jisung was fuming at him, clutching the bags. i could feel my face heat up hearing him say that and feel my stomach churn thinking of it.

"l-lets go" i muttered to jisung, ignoring woojin. jisung seemed pissed and i hated being the cause of it. he nodded before grabbing my hand dragging me out of there.

"i hope to see you again minnie!" woojin yelled on our way out.


i haven't heard from cathy today so i'm gonna post for her :),, first off, the both of us wanna thank you guys soooooo much !! earlier this week we had 1.2k reads and last night we hit 2k and it's all thanks to you guys !! we're happy you guys are enjoying based on the feedback we've been getting. much love babess !! we have so much in store for this story so please anticipate more chapters to come in the near future. -mina

edit** this chapter hits me different now,, ily guys :( -future mina

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