hjs ♡ .11

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he apologized in that soft voice of his, then pulled the door open wider. i didn't say anything. i didn't really know what i could say.

i walked in, standing in the middle of the room. it was like mine, except decorated differently. minho had pictures of him and changbin plastered on his wall. i heard minho close the door and the crinkle of the plastic bag as he placed it on his bed. i watched as he crawled onto his bed, then pat the bed sheet telling me to sit beside him.

"i know you mean good. i'm sorry for how i treated you. i'm just use to relying on changbin." he began, i could hear the unsteadiness in his voice. he was looking down at his hands so i placed mine onto of his. he looked up at me, his eyes glassy and lips trembling. i brought my hand to his cheek, wiping away the wet spots.

"hey, shush. it's okay. i understand it's hard for you. you can rely on me now. i'll make sure to catch you when you fall." i told him, smiling gently. he rested his head on my shoulder.

i wrapped my arms around him, pulling him closer to me. he started to cry. i felt his chest rise and fall as he sobbed. i kept telling him it was okay, and that i was here for him, and that i cared. he gripped onto my shirt, his tears making my blue shirt turn even darker blue in the two spots his eyes were.

he suddenly wrapped both of his legs on my sides, still resting his head on my chest as he cried. "you don't have to tell me what happened. i'm okay with just being here, with you in my arms." i told him. i contemplated kissing his forehead. it felt right, but i didn't know how minho would react. i kissed his forehead anyways. shit, how gay can i get?

"the blame is on me. he never really loved me and after all this i can't find it in me to hate him." he said lowly. i didn't know what to say to him. i just nodded and let him cry. i started to rub his back.

what was he thinking about? and who could he be talking about? and who can't he hate? there were so many things i wanted to ask him, yet i knew he wouldn't tell me. not now, not ever. but regardless, i wanted to be there. i wanted to be his safe haven. i wanted to be something to him, and not just the annoying freshman in his math class.

minho always seems so tough and stoic on the outside, but i can tell he just wants to be loved. i can tell he's got a lot of love in his heart to give, but no one to give it to. i can feel it within him right now.

i heard somewhere that our hearts are surrounded by gardens. some filled with daisies. some sunflowers. others with irises, but some of us are cursed with a rose garden. though they are beautiful, you'll get hurt if you get too close so it's best to just stay away.

here i am. a boy falling for a boy, with a heart locked in a thorn bush.

we stayed like that on his bed for a few minutes, at least until minho started to quiet down. his breathing was more steady and he pulled back from me. he was so close. the more i realized it, the more panicked i became. if it were anyone else, i wouldn't hesitate to kiss them. but it was minho, and he was different. i didn't wanna kiss him yet for whatever reason. no matter what that guy said at the convenience store, minho was still innocent. at least to me. and if anyone were to ruin anyone, it'd be me ruining him. i adverted my gaze from his eyes to his lips. i really wanted to kiss him. more than i wanted to kiss anyone. but i'm not worthy of it. a dirty horny scumbag loner like me didn't deserve to kiss him. so i held back the urge. minho probably didn't want to kiss me anyways and i didn't wanna set myself up for that disappointment.

"i needed that" he said, easing himself off my lap. i leaned back against the wall. he handed me my bag of chips, then took his out. "wanna watch a movie?" he asked me, pulling out his laptop as if nothing even happened.

"yeah, are you okay now?" i asked him, scooting closer. he nodded, telling me that he felt better. he tried changing the subject by continuing to ask me what i wanted to watch, so i gave in forgetting the moments we shared before.

"i don't really mind you can pick" i told him.

he was scanning through choices until he decided on shrek. i just can't get away from this damn movie, can i?


long story short,, minsung are gay. periodt. i keep rereading these chapters and realize how ugly my writing sounds xjcjfncjcj please don't hate me lmfaoo,, but i hope you guys are enjoying. things will get more interesting soon, just wait ;) also,, ty for 4k+ 💛💛💛 -mina

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