hjs ♡ .30

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my head was pounding. i turned around and knocked into another body. i wanted to give him a kiss on the forehead, but then i remembered it wasn't minho i was sleeping next to. hyunjin immediately sat up. his hair was messy and he was shirtless.

"are you okay?" he asked in a groggy voice. his voice reminded me a lot of minho's in the morning.

"yeah, i'm fine." i said before a sudden headache attacked my temples.

hyunjin put his glasses on and got out of bed. he was in black adidas sweatpants and was searching for his t-shirt on the floor. i leaned over on my side and saw it.

"it's over here." i said while sitting up slowly.

he smiled as he walked over and picked up the plain white t-shirt off the floor. he put it on and sat beside me.

"good morning." he smiled. he was always positive. how'd he do it?

"morning." i tried smiling, but i couldn't. and i don't think i'd be able to for a while.

"come on. let's get you something to eat and drink." he said, standing up and holding his hand out for me to take.

i hesitated, but i finally agreed. i swung off the covers and stood up. we walked down the hall and down the stairs into the kitchen.

the entire house was clean. not a trace of house party was left behind.

"who did all this?" i asked as hyunjin seated me on his sofa. the sofa i barely recognized from the night before since it wasn't full of people or liquor spills.

"oh, you're looking at him." he smiled like he always did, "plus my high school friends helped out too."

i was impressed.

"what exactly happened yesterday?" i asked, only remembering the really fucked up parts.

"we had a sleepover." he tried. i knew he was only sparing me the pain, but i wanted to hear the truth. no dancing around it.

"nice try."

he sighed as he turned a kettle on and pulled out mugs from the cabinet. "well, after you called me, i told the guys to keep the party in check. we went back up to my parents room and you cried. a lot. you told me how woojin was here and how minho left with him. so i stayed and watched movies with you until you fell asleep. then at around 3, i went back downstairs and started kicking people out. the guys stayed behind and helped me clean everything until 4:30 ish. so then i went back upstairs and laid down with you. i didn't want you to wake up all by yourself in someone else's bed."

he was so thoughtful and caring. ever since i met him, he was always kind. though he's popular and good-looking and great at everything, he's still humble. he started pouring hot water into the mugs for us.

"any tea preference?" he questioned.

i shook my head at him and i watched as he pulled out green tea packets and honey. once he was done making the tea, he walked over and sat beside me on the couch with a respectable distance.

"this might help with the headache you probably have." he said, handing me the mug. i took it from him and sipped it. it was hot, but soothed my throat as i swallowed. we stayed quiet for a few until i broke the silence.

"i'm really sorry, hyunjin. i ruined so many people's night last night and i feel terrible for it. you didn't get to hang out with your friends cause you had to babysit me. i kissed your friend. i hurt minho. i just shouldn't have come and i'm sorry i did." i apologized.

hyunjin just looked at me. he placed his mug down and took mine from me, placing it down on the coffee table too. within seconds, i was trapped in his embrace feeling his warmth. i felt my eyes starting to well with tears. why was i such a fuck up? my parents really were right. i was so useless.

"jisung, don't even. i'm glad i got to see you. minho saw something that wasn't real. you and i both know the truth, and if minho doesn't want to hear you out yet, then we just have to wait. i've been friends with him for a while. he'll come around, i promise." he tried his best to comfort me, rubbing my back as he spoke softly. i couldn't help but think the worst though. i let myself cry on his shoulder, knowing i wouldn't be able to hold back the tears much longer.

"d-do you think he still loves him?" i managed to choke out.

"of course not, i think... i think there's a very understandable reason why he left with him last night. " his voice wasn't so sure like it had been prior. i knew he was just telling me what i wanted to hear. it made me even more upset. i pushed him off of me, the tears flowing harder than they had been before. "can't you just be honest and tell me he doesn't love me?" i nearly shouted at him, letting my head fall in my hands.

his face was dressed with concern as he kept apologizing.

i wasn't mad at him, nor minho. i was mad at myself for thinking i was actually worth someone's love. i was mad at myself for setting myself up for inevitable disappointment.

hyunjin leaned in to hug me once again and i didn't refuse this time. i knew he was only trying to help. it was easy to take it out on him since he was the only person around, but i let him hug me. i needed the comfort more than i wanted to admit.

"look. whatever the reason was, i'll be there for you." he pulled away and brought his hand up to my cheek, wiping away the tears i had let fall.

after a while, the two of us finished our teas and decided it was time to get going. we walked a few blocks down to the train station. hyunjin paid for my ticket and we stood together on the train. he held one arm on a bar above his head and the other wrapped around my waist since the train was crowded and i had nowhere to hold onto. i hoped he wouldn't take a look at my flushed face for the hour we'd spend together.

once we reached the dorms, the both of us headed to hyunjin's room hoping felix was there. we had a lot to talk to him about.


sorry !! i never updated fucjchhfhv today was so busy and it's 1am and i just got home :') i'm so tired. hope y'all had a good day tho !! -mina

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