hjs ♡ . 33

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i woke up the next morning, not ready to meet up with chan. what did he want to talk about? who did he want to talk about? why was it so important? my nerves were eating away at me.

he wanted to meet around noon so i had about an hour to get myself together. i showered without washing my hair since i didn't have the time, brushed my teeth and hair, and then got dressed.

the morning was chilly, but not super cold. i decided to wear a black shirt with black adidas joggers, a pair of timbs and a denim jacket. i left my hair wavy since i was too lazy to do it, so i just put on a red dad cap and my glasses. once i stepped out of the bathroom fully dressed and ready, i saw seungmin standing in front of me.

"morning jisung." seungmin said brightly as he handed me a glass of orange juice.

"who are you and what have you done with seungmin?" i raised my brow at the dopleganger. he rolled his eyes, "well fine. i'll just drink it. i was even nice enough not to spit in it you ungrateful rat."

"oh shit, seungmin it is you." i joked with him. he rolled his eyes at me as he headed back into his bed, slipping on his glasses and opening up his laptop. "well, i'm actually on my way to meet with chan at the cafe." i told him.

"chan? you guys haven't talked in a while."

i nodded at him. "yeah, he said he's been spending time with some of his old coworkers or something like that. that's why he hasn't spent much time with me, which i totally get. i kinda left him for minho anyways." i laughed weakly.

"oh, well i hope it goes well. here, get me something with chocolate in it." he said, reaching into his drawer to get some money. i walked over to him and took the money.

"alright, i'll see you soon seungminnie" i waved to him as i grabbed my phone, keys and wallet with me.

i walked down to the front of the dorms and waited for chan to meet me there like he said he would. i waited for a few minutes until he greeted me. he was dressed just as casually as i was and directed me to his car.

"i thought we were just going to eat and talk at the school cafe" i said, sitting in the passengers seat.

"don't you think i get enough of that place everyday?" he chuckled, sitting himself in the drivers seat and turning the car on.

the drive wasn't the worst nor the best. there was definitely an awkward atmosphere surrounding us but we both ignored it as we spoke casually. chan didn't dare to bring up minho. not yet at least.

we pulled up to a small comfy looking bakery. chan parked his car about a block away and then we walked to it.

once we stepped in, the air was filled with all different coffee scents. chan and i hopped on the end of the reasonably long line. we were quiet the whole time. at one point chan's chest was up against mine since the line had gotten so crowded. i didn't dare look him in the eyes.

we approached the baristas and ordered.

"i'll have an iced caramel macchiato, large." chan told the girl behind the counter who obviously didn't want to be there. she nodded taking a cup for him and writing his name on it. chan had told me to order because he was offering to pay for it. i scanned the menu, still unsure of what i wanted. i could hear the line behind me getting a bit rowdy.

"i-i'll have an iced vanilla latte. two shots of expresso please. a medium." i told her as she reached for the medium sized cup. "oh and can i get one slice of that chocolate cheesecake?" the girl raised her eyebrow, annoyed, as she picked up a square carton for the cheesecake slice.

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