hjs ♡ . 21

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i wandered around the blocks, crying my eyes out now that i was out of sight. of course, in the midst of all the emotions and people, i forgot my jacket in the coat closet. all i had was a dark blue turtleneck that cut mid thigh. thank god my jeans weren't ripped. i pulled out a zip-up hoodie from my suitcase and draped it over my shoulders.

the air was brisk, i decided walking wouldn't help. i stopped at the park minho showed me when we first arrived at the beginning of this seemingly amazing week.

i stood under the big tree, scrolling through my phone. i searched up how much plane tickets would cost. i'd already spent an hour and a half out here. maybe my heart will freeze and i won't have to feel so heartbroken lol.

the snow started to pick up, but by now all the stores were closed. i sighed. i couldn't go back to minho's. i texted felix to see if he was able to drive, but it was no luck. he was spending the time with his boyfriend. what i should've been doing but wasn't. cause a) minho wasn't my boyfriend and b) my fantasies were just fantasies. he didn't love me. and doesn't love me.

oh, 11:14pm already?

i heard the metal fence of the playground clamoring. i didn't care if it was him or not. i really hoped it was...n't. i really hoped it wasn't.

"jisung let's go back. you'll get sick if you stay out here for so long" minho's voice said.

"l-leave me a-alone." i responded. don't leave, please.

"i'm not leaving without you now come on" he said, his tone more serious and demanding. he reached for my hand, but i pulled away. hold my hand, please.

"l-leave. i'm g-going back home " i told him, shivering while the wind picked up along with the snow. as if i have a home to go back to.

"jisung don't act like this with me now. lets talk it out." he said, taking steps closer to me. i felt myself starting to cry again. why am i so in love with you minho? even when you break my heart, here i am clinging onto the hopes you won't leave me. "n-no" i replied softly.

"jisung, i wanna make things right. i've told you about my problems. i wanna help."

"you wanna help?! hyung, you are the one who lied to me! why did you cancel our plans?! so you could meet up with woojin?! why couldn't you just tell me?! why'd you have to lie about it?! after everything you still go back to him?! he doesn't deserve you! why am i even here if you want woojin!?" i shouted, finally getting it off my chest. he stood in shock, but i wasn't done.

"jisung, i am sorry i didn't think i'd make you this upset—" he started, his breath making little clouds as he spoke. he was so pretty, but so dangerous.

"how dense can you be?! i am tired of giving you hints hyung! you never get them! i have a crush on you!" i finally yelled at him. i really said it. i really told him. i didn't care if it would ruin things, he wanted woojin anyways. i didn't want anything to do with him. not anymore.

"j—" he started, but i wasn't having it.

"don't i don't wanna hear your pity." i told him. he remained quiet, checking his phone for the time which i didn't bother asking about. he placed his phone back in his pocket, then suddenly got closer to me. he placed his hands on my shoulders, pushing me up against the tree.

"listen to me. i admit i lied to you. i only did because i was meeting changbin to ask him for advice. i was talking about you when i met up with changbin. i wasn't meeting up with woojin." he explained. i wanted to believe him, but i wasn't sure if i could.

"then what about woojin calling you? how do i know you still don't love him?" i asked him. the snow stopped and so did the wind. it was quiet. very quiet. but minho changed that.

"i am over him, so believe me when i tell you that. he was my first and last boyfriend i had. and what he said at the convenience store is true. we dated for a long time, a few years actually. i loved him and was always there for him, but the bastard was always fucking anything he could grab. he was never loyal and he always got himself in trouble. i'd always have to step in for him and clean up his mess. he wasn't all that bad, there were times where he was actually sweet and it was those times that made me stay. i always wanted to leave him but i never could because he had a way of persuading me to stay. i always kept telling myself 'he'll love me, right' but he never did. it wasn't until i actually slept with him that he started to not want me around and he eventually ended it. we ended on bad terms. he only called me because he wants to sleep with me again. i don't want him though. i want you han jisung. you're the one i have been thinking about lately. you're the one who makes me happy and makes my heart flutter. you're the one i want to go to bed with at night and wake up the next morning with. the one i wanna kiss. i wanna be the reason why you're happy. i don't want woojin. i want you! and only you! i only have eyes for you!"

i couldn't believe it. he likes me. he wants me. i'm such an idiot for assuming things so quick. it's just so weird. someone in the world actually... cares. "y-you m-mean it?" i questioned in a low voice he could barely hear.

he stepped even closer to me. i could smell his foresty scented cologne. his lips were less than an inch away from mine. i kept looking at them like i always had when we were this close.

"are you going to keep staring at my lips or are you going to kiss me?" he asked me, catching me off guard. i turned a deep pink shade. it was freezing out, but in this moment, i felt so warm inside.

minho didn't wait for me. i felt his chilled fingers cupping my face, pulling my face into his. and...

b o o m !

fireworks lit up the night sky as he kissed me.

it was really happening. and it wasn't just one of my delusions. his lips tasted like green tea and spearmint. the kiss lasted a mere few seconds, but time made no sense anymore. it felt like it lasted a lifetime. i've been waiting for you lee minho. thank you for showing me how you really really feel about me.


sORRY I ALMOST FORGOT TO UPDATE CHCJJV i was relaxing all day cause i have work for the next 5 days :') fhvjff butttt oof tysm for 14k !!! we just hit 13k a few days ago !! TYSM ! 💛💛💛 -mina

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