hjs ♡ .19

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break was finally here. if it weren't for minho, i'd be stuck at the dorms all alone for the week. i was excitedly packing my suitcase. i said goodbye to seungmin and chan, felix and changbin, hyunjin and jeongin too. once i finished, i rushed down the hallway to meet up with him.

i looked for him and finally spotted him dressed so nicely. i looked down at my black skinny jeans and oversized khaki hoodie with the cat on the back. i wore my circle-rimmed glasses and a black dad cap, plus a dangly cross earring i found in my stuff while packing. did i underdress or did minho just always look that good for road trips?

i was excited to meet minho's parents. i mean, anyone was a step up from mine. i wondered if his mom was pretty, and if his dad knew how to cook well. i couldn't wait to meet them. it was exciting to see the town he grew up in as well. i approached him, and he smiled at me.

"hey, you ready?" he asked.

i nodded at him, "yep!" i responded almost too excited.

i walked alongside him as we headed to his car. he took my suitcase and his, placing it in the trunk. then he came to the passenger side to open the door for me. i smiled and sat inside. within a few minutes, we were off. blasting old chris brown throwbacks on the radio.

7 songs and a snack stop later, we started to talk.

"what's your hometown like?" i asked him.

"it's fairly small where i lived, but it's beautiful. it has many things you can do there. i'll show you when we reach there. you'll love it." he smiled as he talked about his hometown. precious. so precious.

i smiled at him. "i want to see all the places little minho ran around." he laughed in response.

we played road trip games. my favorite was making fun of people as they drove by, imitating their demeanors. i laughed when minho started shaking his head like the old lady in the car next to us at one point.

when we finally reached his hometown, he started to point out different places. a movie theater, stores, and all his favorite restaurants. he smiled as he told stories about each place. we were driving down his block and i started to tense up. i was really gonna meet his parents. what if they don't like me? what if they hate blondes?! what- what if they don't know minho is gay. shit, i can't hide my gay that well!

he pulled the car to a stop, then stepped out. he opened my door and gripped onto my hand, making me feel a little more ease. we walked up the steps and minho unlocked the door. we stepped in and he dropped the luggage on the floor.

"moms!" he shouted.


a short really pretty woman stepped out. she was young and her aura radiated positivity and 'professional at home baker". she wore an apron and hugged minho tightly.

"baby, how have you been?" she started, then noticed me. "oh-who's this?" she asked. minho pulled me so i was no longer behind him, but beside him.

"this is jisung. he's staying with us" minho said proudly, smiling at me.

"oh-my he's handsome!" his mom cheered. i couldn't tell if my cheeks were turning red yet.

"i know" minho replied. now i knew my cheeks were turning red.

"hi, i'm irene i'm minho's mom" she said, turning to me and smiling. i held out my hand for her to shake, but she went in for a hug. she was nice, but minho's hugs were better.

"nice to meet you" i responded softly, still pretty shy meeting her. i was never really shy in front of adults, but i really didn't wanna screw things up with minho's parents. i really wanted them to like me.

another voice called minho's name. minho and i both turned to see another woman standing in the hallway. she was a taller woman with long black hair and bangs. she also looked really young and pretty. she hugged minho just as tight as irene did. he smiled, then dragged her back to the rest of us.

"this is jisung. jisung, this is my other mom seulgi" minho explained. i smiled and said hi before she bear hugged the shit out of me.

other mom, huh? so his moms are gay? i didn't know woman could have sex and have kids together. and they're so young too-


but i don't get it author-nim...



"jisung, i'll be right back." minho said, snapping me out of my thoughts. he picked up our bags and returned a few moments later. i made small talk with his moms as they started to point at pictures of minho when he was younger that were plastered on their wall. i smiled. their home was nice and there was even a fire. i wished i could stay forever.


jfjcjcjfjv jy writing is so bad bdbdnc but i hope guys like this story :') -mina 💛

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