lmh ♡ .29

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i couldn't stop crying. i just wanted to get away from here and cry myself to sleep. woojin just pulled my hand dragging me to my car without a word. he took my keys and opened the passenger door for me. i didn't fight back or tell him to leave me alone. i couldn't find my voice.

i couldn't stop thinking about what i saw. i wanted this night to just be over already. i lost both jisung and hyunjin all in one night. it's like high school all over again.

i can't believe jisung would cheat on me twice with two of my friends. i trusted him! i let myself, let my guard down for him! i-i can't believe i was such a fool to do so. what am i going to tell jeongin?

i told woojin i didn't want to go back to my dorm. i couldn't walk up to my dorm and face jeongin like this. not now at least. i needed time to myself as selfish as that sounds before i tell him. i don't want to wake him up just to tell him the bad news. i had texted a guy across from our dorm to check up on him and he made sure jeongin had been asleep already. i don't want him to deal with me like this.

we started to drive down the familiar road. i haven't been here in a long time. it made my stomach churn when he parked my car in front of his apartment building. we both began walking up the steps to his floor. the building was quiet and no one else was out. he opened the door for me and let me in locking the door after we stepped in. his apartment was just the same as the last time i remembered it. he hadn't changed anything from it. i had good and bad memories here, but the bad ones always outnumbered the good. i walked into the living room as i looked around awkwardly.

the walls were a light gray, matching the l shaped sofa. he had navy blue cushions adorning the sofa. with a marble coffee table that had fake white and blue roses and a cigarette bowl. a gray carpet underneath the sofa to prevent the sofa from scraping the wooden floors. a flat screen tv and picture frames scattering the walls. his gray curtains draped over the screen door blocking any light or view from outside.

"want me to take your coat?" he asked me. i didn't say anything as i just took it off handing it to him. he hung it on his coat rack near the front door before walking over to me. he motioned for me to follow him as he began walking down the hall to his room.

i was a little hesitant to go after him, but i pushed the thoughts away into the back of my mind. he was waiting for me in his room. once i entered i looked around at the all too familiar room. i got a little light headed just being in this room. it made me feel like i was suffocating. his room had light colored rustic floors with high ceilings. he had a king sized bed with dark gray sheets and black pillows. his room has a bay window adorned with more cushions and blankets in perfect display to view the night sky. next to his bed is a small mezzanine that we used to spend most of our time in and a nightstand. on the other side of the room was his black drawers and tv along with his small walk in closet.

"my brother is working late tonight, so you can spend the night here." woojin interrupted my thoughts. i turned my attention to him. i wasn't entirely comfortable staying here with him alone.

"i'm not gonna do anything. relax. i saw you were upset and i was concerned is all." he reassured me.

"why do you care?" i asked him as i wiped my eyes harshly. i didn't intend to sound rude, but it came out that way and i can tell by woojin's face.

"you were my first love.." he began as he looked down at his hands. "and i think we could really talk things through." he looked up finally looking me in the eyes.

"we have already talked things through." i told him as the room grew quiet.

"does it make a difference if i say that i loved you first?" he asked quietly breaking the silence. i shook my head as a chuckle slipped out of my mouth.

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