hjs ♡ .36

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the two of us had made it back to minho's dorm. once the two of us had stepped in, minho offered to give me something more comfortable to change into.  i hadn't seen jeongin there and honestly i wasn't mad at that. i was scared to talk to him after everything that happened.

minho handed me a pair of grey sweatpants, then turned around to let me change. i smiled at his back. he really was the cutest thing. i poked his back and he turned to me, smiling. the two of us crawled into his blanket. i wasn't shy. i snuggled up against him, resting my head on his shoulder. he rested the laptop on his lap, opening up netflix and scrolling through the movies.

minho put on some netflix movie about some girl and some love letters and all the boys she likes. it was a movie i hadn't seen before, so i was intrigued but i wasn't able to focus completely. the feeling of minho's hands through my hair made me feel so warm. i missed his everything. the way he held me and the way he showed his affection. i ran my fingers along his arms, trailing along the veins. i could feel his eyes on me, but i didn't mind it. if anything, i missed being looked at so lovingly rather than all the disgusted looks i'd been dealing with for weeks. i continued watching as minho pulled me tighter to him. my head shifted from his shoulder to his chest. i could hear his heart beating. maybe it's what i wanted to believe, but his heart was beating just a bit faster than normal. i tangled my legs with his so now there was absolutely no space between us, just like i'd been anticipating for what felt like forever.

i smiled as the hot tub scene came on, making me feel all warm inside. "i missed this...being here with you." i whispered, making sure i was loud enough for him to hear me.

"me too...you have no idea how much you mean to me." he replied. i turned to look at him as he spoke sweetly to me. i knew i was starting to blush, but i didn't care if he saw me like that. i was just happy to be with him again.

i brought my hands to his hair, twirling the strands between my fingers. i looked deeply into his eyes, then to his lips craving his taste even more than ever. he leaned in to close the gap and i let my lips mold into his. i knew i was messing up his hair but i didn't care and i didn't think he would either.

we pulled apart to catch a breath, but i pressed my forehead to his not wanting to part just yet. i closed my eyes as i exhaled, smiling still. his hands graced my cheeks, cupping them. he leaned in to peck my lips once more before we were both startled by someone clearing their throat. we pulled apart, the both of us blushing madly.

jeongin stood next to his bed. he was only wearing a pair of pajama pants and had a towel hanging on his shoulders. his hand was in his hair, shaking it to dry it a bit. he flicked his eyes between me and minho, causing the both of us to sit up abruptly.

"um... hey jeongin." i spoke up, trying to get past the silence casted over the dorm. jeongin just nodded, his hands gripping the towel that slung around his shoulders. i knew he wasn't going to say much, but i felt like i needed to talk to him. even though i knew it would be hard, i felt like he deserved to know the truth. the whole truth. and he should hear it from me. "jeongin can we talk?" i asked, hoping he'd agree. minho wrapped an arm around me, rubbing it gently. he must've known how difficult it was for me to do this.

"sure..." jeongin replied softly, his eyes had been on minho the whole time. i felt a soft kiss on my neck then minho said, "i'll be back okay? talk with him." he hadn't waited for my response, knowing i'd probably chicken out if he hadn't left. i watched as he stood up and walked towards the door, leaving me and jeongin alone.

jeongin watched him as he left too, turning back to look at me when the door closed. he walked over to his dresser, tossing the towel in a hamper and pulling an oversized crew neck out of the drawer. he slipped the purple champion sweatshirt over his head, pulling on the bottom which reached his thigh.

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