hjs ♡ .14

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i couldn't help but notice minho's demeanor at the table. he was usually pretty quiet, but never this quiet. like his mind was somewhere else. he couldn't even look at me. i sat beside hyunjin today, not even risking sitting beside minho.

felix immediately knew something was off. he started texting me from the other side of the table, asking me what happened and such. i told him that me and hyunjin were caught at an awkward time and that minho probably got the wrong idea and hates me. i watched as he laughed when i sent that message.

he told me that minho most definitely didn't hate me and if anything, sitting next to hyunjin didn't help my case. i realized he was right and looked up at minho. he was whispering something to changbin. the two of them were close like they used to be before i came along. i sighed.

when the bell rang, minho didn't hesitate to leave the cafeteria pulling changbin with him.

hyunjin walked with me, considering our classes were down the same hallway. i really hoped minho didn't see.

i sat in my classes trying to concentrate on what was being taught but it was no use. i couldn't pay attention if my life depended on it. i'd be dead in an instant.

i walked back to my dorm room once classes were over for the day. i laid on my bed and waited for seungmin to return.

i heard the door unlock and immediately perked up. "seungminnie. i may be contemplating suicide and i need your advice. would it be more painful if i jumped out the window from this height or if i asked someone to run me over repeatedly?"

"i would jump out the window if you're asking me seriously, but first off at least let me know why before you do it." he responded. wow, thanks seungmin.

"well, you're smart. say you like this boy but he catches you with another boy in a misunderstanding. and then he starts acting different. what do you do?"

"let me guess, you got caught leaving somewhere, i don't know, maybe the library... with some popular guy who's actually really friendly. maybe yang jeongin? or hwang hyunjin? then you guys got caught really close to each other for whatever reason and lee minho was right there watching you guys?"

i sat up and stared at him. "aRe you a fucking wizard or something?!" i exclaimed.

"just observant and educated." he smiled, sitting himself down on his bed. he opened his laptop and started typing at the speed of light.

"well seungmin, i'm not. so can you help me? i don't know what to do and my dumbass needs your help." i pleaded.

"go to him. by yourself. tell him it was a misunderstanding if its bugging you so much." he said, not looking away from his screen as he typed furiously.

i sighed. "but what if he doesn't wanna see me? what if he hates me? he ran away from me as soon as he could."

"you said his demeanor changed right?"


"well duh. probably cause he likes you too, moron. he's probably all awkward cause he thinks you like that other boy."

"there's no way he likes me. he told me all about some guy that he was in love with himself. and let me tell you, his name wasn't han jisung." i sighed.

"then maybe he does hate you. i don't know jisung. go talk to him, okay? i'm busy hacking into the school's system. my teacher gave me an a- when i damn well deserved and a." seungmin said, furrowing his eyebrows at me and shooing me away with his hand.

"i won't even ask. be back in a few." i said, getting up and walking to the door. i walked a few doors down and knocked on it, only to see jeongin open up.

"oh, han jisung. weird to see you here. what's up?" he asked, smiling brightly and all.

"oh, i was looking for minho actually." i told him.

"minho hyung? ah, your boyfriend actually isn't here right now. but i can take a message." he said cheekily.

"tell him jisung needs to talk asap."

he closed the door, leaving me in the hallway alone.

w-wait, boyfriend?! w-why would he say boyfriend?? is it that obvious that i like him?

i turned on my heels, walking down the hall. maybe i could find chan or changbin. maybe they could help.

on the way to their dorm room i found minho, walking around with his head in the clouds.

"minho hyung i was looking for you." i said. he looked up at me quickly.

"yes, what is it?" he asked, still not looking at me directly. damn, he really must hate me.

"i was trying to check up on you and see if you were alright" i told him, taking a step closer to him. he was still looking at the ground.

"can i be honest with you jisung?" he asked, looking up at me with sincere eyes. i nodded right away, eager to hear what he had to say. "well i'm not really alright." he began, "i have a lot on my mind. but i can't seem to stop thinking about this one person. and i don't really know what to do. i don't want to see him with someone else if he was with me."

i looked down into my hands. he must be talking about that guy from the convenience store. i didn't wanna show him how disappointed i was, so i just nodded. "i don't really know hyung."

he sighed, then ruffled my hair gently. my heart jumped a bit. it always did when he did stuff like that. maybe theres a little hope. maybe minho still does consider me a friend.

"it's alright." he said, turning around and walking away. leaving me with my heart thumping out of my chest.


hey kidsss,, how are you guys doing ?? school is almost up for me and cathy and honestly we're both so ready to graduate lmao. thank you guys so much for 6.7k bjdbsbv uwu ♥︎ -mina

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