hjs ♡ .20

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we spent the next few days enjoying each others warmth on the chilly december days. his moms were the nicest people on the planet. they made us hot chocolate all the time and we'd sit down every night to watch a holiday film. i told minho he reminded me of the grinch cause he was stubborn and moody all the time, then he attacked me with pillows. then his moms joined in and before i knew it, we were having a four-way pillow fight.

i brought the small gift i got minho along with me and gave it to him proudly on christmas. i never really had christmas growing up, but experiencing it for the first time, i never wanted to miss another christmas in my life. being here with minho made christmas even more amazing. i didn't think it was possible to fall even more in lov- like with him, but here i was. falling face first for this hoe 😔👊

not only is christmas amazing, but apparently you party on new years too. minho's moms threw an annual new year's party for everyone in the neighborhood. we had the job of buying some snacks.

i walked into the kitchen to see minho on his phone, drinking a bottle of water.

"hey minho hyung you ready to go shopping before the party?" i asked him, standing in the doorway. minho fumbled with his phone, stuffing it in his pocket immediately. "i d-don't feel so good. maybe another time" he stuttered. he hurried passed me and ran up the stairs to his room.  he's acting weird.

i sat back on the sofa, bringing my attention back to frozen. i heard minho making a ton of noise, so i went to go check on him.

"hyung..?" i said, more to myself than him. i pushed the door gently and saw him crawling out of the window. i rushed downstairs, peering out the window. he even left his car. did he really think i was that dumb? why the hell is he acting so secretive and weird?

i laid by myself on the couch, thinking of all the possibilities. what if he's just- i don't know. what could he be doing? author-nim, help me out here.


fUck you. why aren't you here when i need you, dammit-

what if he's meeting with someone? he was being really antsy when i caught him on his phone. he was never really that private with his phone before. maybe he's doing something he doesn't want me to know about.

i heard the back door open slightly after a half hourish. i bet it was him. i continued to lay on the sofa, trying not to startle him. playing it calm for now would help, especially when i didn't know the situation well enough to judge.

i sat up when i heard his steps on the stairs. "minho hyung" i spoke. when he heard my voice he turned to look at me. i furrowed my eyebrows at him and he started to walk up the stairs at normal speed. was he really going to ignore me?  i followed him up the stairs.

"what is it?" he asked, placing his phone on the table in his room. i walked up to him, standing in front of him.

"you lied. you said you don't feel good, but i saw you sneak out" i told him, disappointed.

"i went out to meet up with someone" he responded plainly.

he met up with someone? w-why would he need to meet up with someone? he said he wanted to spend the time with me. and even if it was just someone he had to meet with, why wouldn't he just tell me that in the first place. who is he meeting that he doesn't want me to know about? maybe wooj- no. he wouldn't do that to me. right?

"you cancel plans with me to meet up with someone?!" i nearly shouted at him.

he wouldn't look at me. "something came up and that person needed me." he replied.

needed him? if he was being fully honest, he'd explain what really was happening. who the hell was he seeing for fun?

"oh so that makes it okay to cancel plans with me?! am i a second option to you?!" i said in a more stern loud tone, not caring if his parents heard me at this point.

"n-no of course not! i didn't mean it like that." he stuttered, shaking his hands.

i was about to yell at him again, but his phone started to vibrate. both of our eyes darted to the screen. that's when i really knew the truth. woojin was calling. not just woojin, but woojin with a red heart next to his name. so that's who he snuck out to see.

i dropped my head down.  i didn't want him to see me cry.

but that was the only thing i wanted to do. i hated him. here i was, catching feelings for a boy who still wasn't over his ex. i mean, woojin's everything i'm not. tall, and handsome. minho told me they had good times together. i've only given minho a hard time. like detention, and the fight. no wonder he'd chose him over me.

i packed my things, paying no mind to minho pleading for a chance to explain. it was nearing 10pm and guests we're coming.

i took my luggage and all my things, then left the house. i didn't have anywhere to go, but a rock would've been better company than a liar.


didjndnen i forgot today was wednesday and almost forgot to update dnndnd,, i have a college orientation tomorrow and it's an overnight thing and im kinda shook bejdndn but yeahh,, tysm for all the love on this !! we're ranked #1 in seo and are nearing 12k bsjsnjrhf wow ! much love !! -mina

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