lmh ♡ .26

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a few weeks passed since we've became boyfriends. it is a little difficult with girls still trying to flirt but i make sure they know that i'm taken. jisung also made it clear when he pinned me to a wall and kissed me in front of them.

jisung and i have gone on a few dates since. i don't get as nervous as i did the first time because jisung makes me feel comfortable and that i can open up to him. i trust him enough to. in class  jisung would occasionally hold my hand under the desk or kiss me when mr. lee isn't looking. at lunch we'd sit next to each other and feed each other. i felt embarrassed at first but now i'm use to it. we both equally show affection. jisung still tries to get me fluster and likewise.

jisung's lips are very addicting. the taste of cherries remains on my lips because of him even so that i ended up liking the taste of cherries.

however exams week is coming up and that means i haven't been spending much time with jisung. i've been studying with jeongin and changbin endlessly. after classes end we go straight to my room and study till we knock out. we all help each other in different subjects. i'm pretty smart but i still study because i am on my last year of college. i can't afford to fail.

but i miss jisung and his touches like crazy. i just want to hold him all the time. i miss his subtle touches the most or his flushed face whenever i compliment him. i miss his small shoulder and hands that i always find comfortable. i miss hearing his heart beat against mine. although i still talk to him at night before going to bed or see him in class but it's not really the same like when i have him with me physically.

i am currently sitting on my bed with my head leaned back on the wall. i was exhausted we've been up early and been studying for a few hours now. jeongin kept zoning off as he tried gaining back energy by stuffing gummy bears in his mouth. that eventually just fall out and he keeps shoving the same ones back in and repeating the process. changbin was face timing felix who was also studying. i didn't really pay attention because of how fried my brain feels. we have a few more hours to study but i honestly don't even feel like it. i haven't gotten proper sleep or eaten a actual meal these past few days. and it's honestly all catching up to me and screwing me over.

i feel bad for jeongin as he's the youngest and has been staying up late. he'll be as short as changbin if he stays up too late. i could feel myself knocking out when i heard my phone go off. i sighed as i sat up to answer it. i saw changbin asleep while still on face time with felix. i saw jisung's name pop up on my screen. i smiled weakly as i answered it. i didn't want to worry him. i decided to lay down as i saw jisung's flushed face show up on screen. i felt shuffling before jeongin laid down next to me.

"hey minho hyung" jisung started as he waved. i waved back weakly in response. my arms feel sore.

"hey baby what are you up to?" i asked him softly as i felt sleep getting to me.

"just studying with felix, hyunjin and seungmin" jisung said casually he didn't sound so tired. he flipped the camera so that i could see them. jisung looked pretty and i like a guy with brains so to me it was just another thing i like about him.

"hey guys" i said as i waved.

"what are you up to, babe?" jisung asked me. i smiled lazily at his mention of babe while i rubbed my eyes a little but looked at the mess of scattered papers and jeongin clutching the bag of gummy bears as he chewed softly to the gummy's in his mouth with his eyes closed. i mumbled a low "cute" in response. i used one hand to ruffled his hair which made him let out a soft "mmm" sound.

"well we are also studying" i answered him flipping the camera to show him the mess of papers.

"don't stress yourself out babe" jisung answered back worry evident in his voice. this is what i didn't want. to worry him like this. i turned to the camera to face me again as i nodded.

"i won't don't worry" i reassured him although i know he'll scold me if he realized.

we talked a little bit more with the guys teasing him for 'acting cute' around me. they thought it was gross but we ignored it. to us it was just each other. i smiled watching him turn pink as he whines telling them to stop. he was cute he didn't need to act it. we talked about little things that seemed to have been neglected like the sunset or outdoors due to exam week. it felt nice as the conversations with jisung never felt awkward or dry. we could talk about anything comfortably. of course we still talked about each other but hyunjin and seungmin found it gross at how happy we were.

"min i'm tired" jeongin mumbles next to me. i turned to look at him and i could feel myself inwardly coo seeing him rub his eyes. i smiled as i pulled him closer to me.

"it's okay baby just sleep." i replied to him. he laid his head on my chest closing his eyes nuzzling himself closer. i ran a hand through his hair softly to get it away from his eyes. i felt changbin shuffling next to me before cuddling next to me. now i was trapped with two boys on each side of me.

i could feel my eyes grow heavy but i didn't want to leave jisung yet. i missed him and i wanted to stay up a little longer. but my body was starting to shut down on me.

"babe do you wanna sleep?" jisung asked me softly on the other line.

"i'm not that tired" i replied although my look said otherwise as i kept closing my eyes only to struggle to open them.

"go to sleep babe we can talk when you've had enough rest." jisung reassured me i shook my head to disagree but jisung persisted. "don't worry babe. just sleep i'll call you later if your awake. okay? bye" he said as he kissed the screen before hanging up. i let out a sigh before i got comfortable enough to doze off. my thoughts still lingering on jisung.


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