hjs ♡ .28

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minho probably hated me. i hated me too. i didn't know if it was the alcohol or not, but i wanted to cry. ew, i'm the worst kind of drunk. author-nim, why would you make me this way?

a/n* it spices up the plot, just go with it.

i gripped the bottle tightly and felt along the wall until i felt a doorknob. i opened the door to see a couple making out in the bathroom. how come they don't mind making out at a party, but minho wouldn't make out with me? is he still embarrassed of me? those are strangers anyways, why would he care so much? maybe i shouldn't have drunk so much, but what happened to looking after me?

"hey dude, get out!" a boy shouted at me, then slammed the door in my face. i flinched, not even realizing i was still staring at them.

i sighed. everything was blurry and all i wanted was to be with minho again. maybe i should've apologized, but i knew minho didn't want to see me. if i went to find him, he'd probably be even more mad at me. i didn't know anyone besides him and hyunjin and both of them were busy. i wanted time to pass quickly, but thanks to the alcohol everything was even slower.

i stumbled into a room that was empty, seeing a neatly made bed that was calling my name. i walked in and sat on the bed. i looked around at my surroundings.

the room was big. the bed was king sized with a silky comforter atop it. it had a bunch of pillows placed neatly against the headboard. there were also big wooden dressers up against the wall. one had a big flatscreen tv plastered on the wall above it. i stood up to get a closer look at everything.

on the dressers, there were tons of pictures of hyunjin. i smiled looking at him as a baby. one picture caught my eye. it was him in a duck pool floaty with his parents. it reminded me of how empty my childhood was. is this what they mean when they say emotional drunk? i wiped my teary eyes and continued looking at photos. i looked over and saw a picture of hyunjin with some of his friends. i recognized them. they were the guys from before. i saw the tall one i kissed, and the ones that sat by minho. and i even saw minho! they were at the beach together. so those were all minho's friends from high school? of course he'd be embarrassed to kiss me in front of them. he hasn't seen them for years and he still paid attention to me.

i messed up and i knew i did.

"you know, going through other people's belongings isn't really something you do at a house party." a voice said behind me.

i turned to see hyunjin closing the door to the bathroom inside the room. i blushed, embarrassed that he caught me looking through his things.

he chuckled. "don't worry. this is my parent's room. i don't think they'd mind." he smiled.

i looked down at my shoes as i placed the frame back on the dresser. i took another swig of the alcohol, wincing at the taste.

"hey, what's the matter?" hyunjin asked me, concerned.

i couldn't control it. i felt tears coming and hyunjin noticed right away.

"oh no, what's wrong?" he asked, walking over to me and hugging me. i shook my head, not able to control the crying. he pulled away and held onto my hand, pulling me to sit on the bed with him.

"jisung, what happened? where's minho-hyung?" he asked, still holding onto my hand. he leaned over, pulling the tissue box from the nightstand. i took one from the box and wiped my eyes and blew my nose. after a few minutes i had finally stopped crying and was able to speak.

"you and minho went to high school together?" i asked.

hyunjin nodded and smiled. "yeah, we had some good times together. that's why i had you guys go talk to the guys. i figured minho could introduce you and they would be easy to talk to. they're a great group of guys."

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