hjs ♡ .34

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i understood what chan meant by feeling like a coward. if you don't know minho, he's intimidating. when i first met him, i thought i could handle him. but after everything, i see him in such a different light. for once, i'm scared of being turned down. is this what it's like to be in love with someone? always fearing they'll reject you?

it was hard for me to find a time and place to speak to him. he rarely left his dorm and when he did, he was accompanied by jeongin or changbin. i couldn't get a moment alone with him.

i hadn't spoken to anyone really. hyunjin and felix were starting to worry with how closed off i had been. even seungmin was a little worried, but i assured them all things were okay.

monday came along and i couldn't think straight. it was the first time i'd come back to school for a week. i'd worn a yellow champion hoodie and a pair of jeans with some slip on vans, hyunjin would definitely not approve of my fuckboi apparel.

i hadn't gotten sleep the night before because of all the worrying. when my teachers saw me, they had all said the same thing. "jisung, you've been doing so well. what changed?" or something along the lines. i couldn't answer them honestly so i just said my fish died.

i dreaded walking to my math class that morning. i knew i'd have to see him there. i stopped by the cafe for a coffee, but sadly chan wasn't there. i didn't place a tip in the tip jar for the first time.

is this what static sound looks like? walking through the halls made me feel queasy. the people weren't people. they were like motion blurred puddles of color. and the noise. the rowdiness of those around me was drowned out by the loudness of my own thoughts.

i heard the bell ring and watched as students rushed through the halls like freshly sprayed roaches. i was late now. great.

i peered over the doorframe and watched as mr. lee was taking attendance. a few faces looked back at me, to which mr. lee joined in.

"oh, mr. han jisung. nice of you to finally show up to my class. what's got you slacking huh?"

the murmurs of students started filling the air. i peered over to see minho for the first time that morning. he was resting his head on his desk. he wore a black zip up hoodie with a white shirt underneath and black sweatpants. his hair, it was a soft ashy brown color. different than the last time i saw it. of course i couldn't compliment it. i couldn't say anything to him in general. i prayed he was sleeping so he wouldn't have to hear any of this.

"oh, my fish passed away." i lied. a bunch of students started to laugh since they knew that wasn't the case. jeongin hid his face in his textbook and hyunjin facepalmed multiple times. minho was still in the same position.

"just get to your seat, we'll talk at the end of class." mr lee said, turning to his laptop to change the attendance.

i walked down the aisle to my seat as everyone's eyes burned holes through my hoodie. once i was close enough to him, my knees went weak. they literally went weak. i somehow managed to trip and stumble into his desk, waking up a very grumpy minho.

he groggily opened his eyes, searching for the clumsy bastard that woke him up. once he turned to me, i was ready to shit my pants.

"i know that you like sleeping with people, so if you'd be kind enough to let me sleep, i'd appreciate the fuck out of it." he said with a snarky attitude. the entire class had gasped at his comment, some even covering their mouthes in shock. even mr. lee was taken back by minho's remark.

i felt my cheeks flush red. "i- i didn't sleep with anyone." i stuttered, knowing that even if their eyes weren't on me before, they were definitely on me now.

"oh yeah, i forgot. you become a slut after 2 drinks and then forget everything. we can ask hyunjin then." minho smiled. he leaned over his desk, "hyunjin, how was it sleeping with my boyfriend? last time i checked, you weren't into boys."

that's where he drew the line. i watched as hyunjin sunk into his chair and blushed a furious red color. he looked like he was about to cry. jeongin looked to hyunjin, then to minho. jeongin even looked like he was about to cry.

minho sat there, his arms crossed and his eyes still barely opened. he didn't look at me. good he didn't cause i probably would've decked him right in the face.

i knew if i said anything to hyunjin or even looked at him for that matter, people would assume what minho had said was true. i'm sorry hyunjin, i'll text you later.

"well, at least i don't humiliate people publicly like that." i said back to him, not accepting how he was handling things.

"no, you just humiliate them in private and sleep with their best friends." he said back.

"you know what's really humiliating, going back to your ex that cheated on you cause you thought your current boyfriend was cheating. way to handle things." i said it. i didn't mean to say it, but i did. it just came out and i immediately regretted it.

minho snapped his eyes to me and stood up. he grabbed my collar. "it's pretty funny how you're calling me pathetic. you're 20 and still a sad lonely little virgin." he sneered.

"will you boys stop before she gets here?" mr. lee said, walking towards the two of us. this was the first time i saw him genuinely concerned about his students.

"before she gets here?" minho and i both mumbled to ourselves.

"oh, it's great to see how well you handle a class mr. lee." a short woman in a pencil skirt said by the door. she pushed up her glasses and clutched her file folder to her chest.

"my... supervisor." mr. lee sighed.


minsung out here wildinnnnn,, but tHERES STILL MORE TO COME. DON'T HATE MEANHOE PLS. tysm for 69k ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) love you guys ! -mina

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