lmh ♡ .07

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i somehow managed to ignore jisung the whole day. he did try talking to me, but i would just ignore him like he wasn't even there. i just focused on anything else but him. eventually he didn't even annoy me anymore, he was just quiet. i felt bad for treating him like this but i can't help it. it's my defense mechanism. even in detention we sat in silence. mostly because of me but i focused on studying or doing work from classes. i finished all my work in detention and went a few chapters ahead doing more work to occupy myself with so that i could zone out everything else. when it was finally time to go home i was exhausted but i had told changbin not to wait up for me. i didn't want him to judge me for not listening to him. i just went straight to my dorm. i collapsed into my bed and buried my face on my pillow. i wanted to scream but it got muffled by the pillow.

"you okay minho hyung?" jeongin, my roommate, asked me. i groaned in response. i didn't really wanna tell jeongin in fear of him agreeing with changbin.

i can try all i want, but i can't fully ignore jisung. especially if he was just trying to be nice to me. ugh, but that boy gets on my nerves. he should find someone else to annoy instead of me. why me? i swear life would be easier without him sometimes. he's always getting me in trouble or ruining something. he has no shame either. ugh that kid is just gonna keep getting himself in trouble and with my luck it always ends up getting me involved. i have been getting detention a lot since jisung came to campus. and it has made my life harder. i lifted my head and rubbed my temples to soothe the headache i gained for stressing over jisung. even now i'm still thinking about him ugh.

"you don't look okay" jeongin said looking at me as i didn't really answer him the first time he answered his own question. "is it about jisung?" he asked i turned to look at him. what the—

"h-how?" i asked, confused as to how he figured it out so quickly if i hadn't said anything. i only told changbin and he isn't one to really tell people. i trust changbin and he trust me so i know he didn't tell jeongin. but that doesn't answer how he figured it out.

"people see jisung bother you and it's pretty obvious you guys aren't exactly on good terms." jeongin said, chuckling (considering minho was so oblivious.) i only nodded as i let his answer sink in. was it really that noticeable? did people really see how much jisung and i clash?

i realized he may be right and since he seemed to already know. i explained to him what happened recently and he listened well. i am friends with jeongin and i trust him it's just that changbin is usually my first option when i need help or advice. when i finished telling jeongin i started to feel a little bit bad for treating him this way. okay maybe more than just a little. man why am i such a dick?

"wow. you're stupid hyung" jeongin blurted out loud. i rolled my eyes and sighed. i have dealt with changbin calling me that and now jeongin too. who's next? hyunjin?

"i know. you're not the first one. changbin called me stupid too." i responded as i placed a pillow on my lap as i placed my elbows on them. i rested my head on my hands as i looked at him.

"he's not wrong. how can you not see it?" he asked. i furrowed my brows at that. huh?

"see what?" i asked. he facepalmed before standing up from his bed making it creek as he did so.

"i'm guessing changbin told you to figure it out as well so i'll tell you the same. in the meantime don't be too rude to jisung. give him a chance. i know he's kindof annoying, but he's probably not as bad as he seems. i'm sure you two would get along really well if you did. he seems to..." jeongin said as he trailed off at the last bit like he said too much or something he shouldn't have. it made me only more curious to what.

"he seems to...?" i questioned as i repeated what he said waiting for his response.

"i don't think it's up to me to say. you should figure it out." he told me making me groan at his response cause it's not much help. even i know how useless i am to understanding others emotions.

"jeongin come on i have been nice to you." i reasoned with him. he stared at me blankly instead.

"you're my friend you're suppose to be nice." jeongin argued as he shook his head at me.

"jeongin just tell me." i said as i gave up. he stayed quiet for a while.

"he seems to be...fond of you. is all i am going to say the rest you have to figure out on your own." jeongin told me. before he stepped out. jeongin was maturing in all honesty. maybe even faster than me. i run away from my problems or even ignore them while he faces them. but it's the only thing i really know to do.

i laid in my bed staring at the ceiling. i could try being nice to him. who knows maybe he won't annoy me as much. i mean jeongin and changbin say he isn't so bad but i should judge for myself. the only way to do that is by trying to make an effort. i'm just afraid to open up to someone again. i'm afraid to risk it. i barely recovered before so if something happens, will i even be able to recover again?


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