lmh ♡ .02

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as soon as math class finished, i packed my stuff and left without saying goodbye to jeongin or hyunjin. i just wanted to get away from that idiot who once again put me in an awkward situation.

i walked out quickly and was in search for my next class just trying to get away from my problems. i succeeded... almost that is.

"minho hyung!" i heard the familiar voice call. people began looking and i could feel myself getting embarrassed again in a short span of time.

i tried walking faster to my class hoping my legs would help me out for once in their life. however that didn't seem to be the case because i have the body structure of a chicken. i cursed my legs when he caught up with me and grabbed my arm.

"let go of my arm" i replied, trying to pull away. he wouldn't budge. instead he pulled me in the opposite direction of my class.

once he checked people weren't watching us, he spoke. "look i'm sorry for ruining your notes. here you can copy mine" he said as he stuck out a crumpled piece of paper. i looked at his hand for a moment before looking at him.

"no nudes this time?" i asked curious to what the catch may be and also as to how jisung even managed to write notes down while he was annoying me. i saw him smirk as he stepped closer.

"do you want some more?" he asked getting so close to me, i could practically feel his breath fanning my face. my face heated up at the offer.

"do you have any shame?" i asked, scoffing as i looked anywhere but his eyes. i felt him put his hand on my upper arm feeling my bicep which made me tense up looking at him.

"you didn't answer my question" he replied getting closer if possible. i lifted my hands to push him away but he already seemed to have noticed what i was gonna do because he caught my hands, paper still in hand. "it's okay, i know you liked it..." he whispered in my ear his breath tickling me.

liked what? i was confused as to what he meant. was he talking about the nudes or something else?

"to answer your question no, i told you before i don't want your nudes and this time is no different." i finally answered, hands still in his. he flatters himself to much.

"well they will still be available for you if you ever want more" he answered, smiling cheekily. i rolled my eyes at that remark.

"i won't anytime soon." i replied as i freed my hands, grabbing his notes. i scanned over them looking at what he had.

"oh so you would want them, just not now?" jisung said. i could practically hear him teasing me now. i furrowed my eyebrows reading his sloppy notes.

"these aren't even the right notes, jisung." i replied, ignoring his question. he took the notes glancing at them before he realized.

he looked up "whoops... sor-" he began, but i stopped him by placing my pointer finger on his lips.

"don't even. i don't wanna hear it." i began. i let out a sigh as i looked at the clock. shit i have less than a minute before i'm late to class. "fuck!" i whispered running my other hand through my hair.

"hot..." jisung mumbled making me look at him. he turned a little pink and i realize my finger was still on his lips. i removed it and turned around.

i began walking to my class, i couldn't afford to be late. if i was, i'd get more detention. "hey minho hyung, wait-" jisung yelled. i could hear his footsteps behind me.

"leave me alone, jisung. i'm gonna be late to class." i replied not even looking back.

"that's okay. i'll walk you." jisung replied catching up to me. i sighed, but let him. i was just racing time at this point.

the bell rang moments before i reached the classroom so i was late regardless. my teacher mr. kim gave me and jisung detention. he was even harsher on jisung, considering he was on the wrong side of the building.

"if time is so precious, why are you wasting it by yelling at us for so long?" jisung pointed out, raising his eyebrow at mr. kim. the class giggled at his remark. and though i didn't want to admit it, so did i.

but this dumbass ruined things almost immediately. since jisung is oh so good at convincing, he told mr. kim we already have detention today so mr. kim was generous enough to give us detention thursday. i glared at that idiot walk away until he disappeared towards his class.


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