lmh ♡ . 34

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last night we drove home and barely made it. we were all exhausted from the hours of driving. changbin didn't even say anything he just walked up to his room and knocked out. leaving jeongin and i alone to walk to our room. when i did i was surprised to see jaehyun waiting by the door. he was in a crouching position but when he noticed our presence he stood up straight. i had introduced him to jeongin quickly considering jeongin was ready to go to sleep. but i stayed up with jaehyun talking until we eventually left to go to a bar. however what really stuck with me at night was the single thought on my mind all night despite the countless drinks.

would i have liked if things were back to the way they were when i hated him?

monday rolled around and i'm current suffering from heartbreak, a mean hangover and i haven't really gotten proper sleep. plus it's early in the morning and i only had three hours of sleep and it was catching up with me.

man, why did i think staying up late was a good idea? damn and i knew i was gonna regret this too.

i had been woken early by jeongin who had to shake me to get me to open my eyes. and even that wasn't enough because i put up a fight trying to convince him to not go to class. he had to bring in changbin which resulted in me holding onto the bed for the life of me until they yanked me out. you can already tell how it turned out since i'm in an uncomfortable hard seat surrounded by bright lights, stupid people talking and taking up space. i've never really been a morning person. and that hasn't changed nor do i think it ever will.

i got dressed in a dark blue zip up sweatshirt with a grey muscle t underneath and black ripped jeans. i didn't really care how i looked at this point. i also didn't feel like doing my hair or makeup. i just tussled my hair a little bit so it at least looks decent. i passed by the small pile of clothes by the end of the bed and grabbed my keys, phone, wallet then bag swinging it over my shoulder. jeongin shook his head as he lifted a pair of sweats and shirts from the pile off the floor. he cleaned up a little bit to make my side of room look decent with changbin helping him. once they finished we headed off to class. we split ways with changbin along the way as he had class in a whole other building than us. once we reached our early math class we headed into our assigned seats. we were the first ones there for a change. jeongin started to talk to me about random stuff but i didn't really listen to him. it was hard to focus on him.

my eyes kept getting watery due to the lack of sleep and the bright lights shining down on me like an interrogation room. i tried rubbing my eyes to get the sleep to go away but if anything i grew more tired. mr. lee wasn't in class yet nether was most of the class. i rested my head on my hands as i waited tired and with nothing to do. eventually sleep overtook me as i zoned out the noise and the lights.

i woke abruptly to a loud thud right next to my ear. i opened my eyes and rubbed them a little to wake me up. i figured mr. lee had come in and decided to wake me up when he noticed me sleeping in his class when i saw him in the front of the room and everyone looking next to me. i turned my head and noticed the one and only clumsy bastard han jisung. i narrowed my eyes at him as my patience started to thin just his mere presence irked me right now.

"i know that you like sleeping with people, so if you'd be kind enough to let me sleep, i'd appreciate the fuck out of it." i snapped not caring how rude or inappropriate it was of me to even say that out loud. people around the room gasped in shock, some even covered their mouth. mr. lee was one of them he just watched unsure of what to do in a situation like this.

"i-i didn't sleep with anyone." jisung stuttered out. i could tell he was flustered with everyone's eyes on us but i couldn't careless about them. his response just made me pissed. he really thought i'd just believe him like that?!

"oh yeah, i forgot. you become a slut after 2 drinks and then forget everything. we can ask hyunjin then." i smiled before leaning over to his desk. "hyunjin, how was it sleeping with my boyfriend? last time i checked, you weren't into boys." i snapped he just sunk down further into his chair as he tried to cover his face. jeongin's eyes watered as he looked between hyunjin to me. i couldn't help it. i was mad at hyunjin since i trusted him in the first place but i even more mad at myself for setting myself up for it. especially when it got jeongin hurt as well.

i crosses my arms over my chest as i could barely keep my eyes open at this point. my head was pounding from all this anger that just kept building up.

"well, at least i don't humiliate people publicly like that." jisung answered back. i scoffed at that. he wants to talk about humiliating.

"no, you just humiliate them in private and sleep with their best friends." i retorted bitterly not taking any of his bullshit at this point.

"you know what's really humiliating, going back to your ex that cheated on you cause you thought your current boyfriend was cheating. way to handle things." he snapped that stung me and it made my blood boil. i do love him but man i would not hesitate to slap the fuck out of him.

i met his gaze and stood up grabbing his collar. "it's pretty funny how you're calling me pathetic. you're 20 and still a sad lonely little virgin." i sneered in disgust.

"will you boys stop before she gets here?" mr. lee finally stepped in as he walked towards us. he was obviously frustrated at not being able to control the situation.


"before she gets here?" jisung and i both mumbled.

"oh, it's great to see how well you handle a class mr. lee." our heads snapped to the front of the room to see a small woman push up her glasses as she clutched a folder to her chest. shit we're definitely screwed.

"my...supervisor." mr. lee let out a sigh.


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