hjs ♡ .18

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once minho was all cleaned up, we hung out in his room for a few. it was quiet and uncomfortable, but i didn't wanna leave him just yet. i hoped he would start a conversation. i hoped he would tell me what he was really thinking.

"uh, thanks for s-saving me but i have to go" i said after a good few minutes, realizing this wasn't getting anywhere. i turned to face the door, walking towards it.

"jisung w-wait" he called. my stomach lurched. i stopped and turned to face him.

minho got up and stood in front of me, looking down into my eyes. "why have you been ignoring me?" he asked, the seriousness in his voice was apparent.

"i-i wasn't" i mumbled, looking down at my shoes.

"we both know that's bullshit." he said, his voice more angry than serious at this point.

"i don't wanna talk about it.." i responded. cause i didn't. bringing it up would make him even more mad than he already seemed to be. i started to head towards the door but he gripped onto my hand, making me melt under him once again.

"tell me why and don't lie to me. i have been honest with you."

honest? he's been honest with me? i really lo- like him, but i can't stand him right now.

"honest huh? you want honesty?! you said we were friends! and then i hear you telling hyunjin that you hate me and that i'm a man whore! so where's your honesty?!" i shouted at him at this point, poking him in the chest as i spoke. this was the first time i'd ever gotten mad at him. i couldn't believe how dumb he tried to play.

but he sighed, pulling me into a hug. i struggled trying to push him off of me, but minho wouldn't budge. if anything he held me tighter. somewhere deep down inside of me, i was so happy to feel his warmth but confusion was taking over again.

"you want my honesty? fine. we are friends and i missed you. i don't hate you. i was talking about my ex woojin, the one you saw at the convenience store. i would never say that stuff about you, jisung. i don't care what others say about you. what i do care about is you." i stopped struggling and let him hug me. overwhelmed with the truth, i stood there. savoring his embrace while it lasted.

"really?" i questioned, pulling away to look at him. he nodded and smiled which sent me into complete embarrassment.

"i'm sorry i ignored you, hyung" i responded, burying my face into minho's chest, too humiliated for him to even look at me. he wrapped his arms around me once again. is this what home is supposed to feel like?

"it's okay. i'm sorry i didn't tell you earlier. are we good?" he asked. "mhm" and i nodded.

minho started once again, "also i've been meaning to ask you....do you wanna spend the winter break with me? you don't have to if y—" before he could even finish his sentence, i nodded and smiled brightly at him. "yes, i'd love to!"

we sat together on his bed, watching movies and cuddling like we had once before. he took his shirt off like he usually did which made me flustered, but i missed when he made the butterflies in my stomach go psycho. in the best way possible of course.


this chapter is so short and so ass please don't roast me,, i didn't know how to make it longer dhjdjejxn thank you guys though sm !!. -mina

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