lmh ♡ .22

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i could feel jisung's hand tracing shapes on my bare stomach before he moved towards my chest. i was still a little tired from last night so i didn't want to wake up just yet so i ignored it. that wasn't what woke me up though. what did wake me up was the feeling of jisung's lips on mine. he was going to pull away but i wrapped my arms around preventing him from doing so. when we pulled away i opened my eyes to see him smiling at me.

"morning" jisung said as he ran his fingers through my bed hair.

"morning" i replied before smiling at him. he looked really beautiful in the morning, not that he didn't always, but he looked beautiful in this moment with no makeup on and me holding him.

"we have to get up. come on min" jisung said as he sat up. his back facing as he ran his hand through his hair. min?

"min?" i questioned as i sat up as well though reluctantly. i could feel him tense.

"i-i'm sorry. i w-wanted to give you a nickname" he stuttered as he refused to look at me. i pressed my body against his back as i hugged him from behind. i thought it was cute of him. i wanted to tease him though.

"you already have a nickname for me though" i responded smiling as i said it.

"what nickname?" he asked confused. i smirked as i leaned closer to him if possible.

"yours" i whispered in his ear. before i proceeded to place small kisses on his shoulders.

"h-hyung!" jisung whined trying to cover his face. i laughed watching him. i pulled him back down to the bed. he buried his face on my chest refusing to look at me. we stayed like that till jisung managed to calm down.

"your moms made breakfast for us. they're really nice" jisung explained his hands then moved to my chest. as his eyes focused on it.

"yeah, they like you. that's why." i answered as i placed my arms on his waist and made him get on top me. his legs on ether side of me. he seemed to be thinking about something almost hesitating.

"hyung, you're adopted right?" jisung asked finally

"no..." i began, making jisung look at me now. "no, irene is my mom. she got pregnant with my dad, but he left her. she then met seulgi and they grew to like each other. i never met my dad but i don't care to. he left her and i took his spot of the man in the house. irene and seulgi always taught me how treat a girl and boy with respect equally. so they're my parents, not my dad. he was just a part of the process." i explained. he nodded listening.

"well, i can see where you get your looks hyung" jisung answered. i smacked his chest lightly as i could feel my face heat up. he just pouted and whined in pain in response.

"you have no shame do you?" i questioned him, trying to recover my heart that wouldn't stop beating fast and my face that kept getting flushed.

"nope" jisung replies before laying his head on my chest. "is this what you meant about knowing girls well?" jisung asked a little hesitant.

"yeah, i also had a few girls crushing on me back in school. i didn't want to hurt their feelings so i'd go to my moms for advice." i replied to him tracing circles on his hips.

we heard irene calling us down for breakfast and something about it getting cold if we didn't go. i ruffled jisung's hair to signal him to get up. i looked through my closet before choosing a plain shirt and some jeans for jisung. he left to change in the bathroom while i picked my outfit. i decided on a silk white shirt and some black pants. i grabbed a blue hoodie as well to give to jisung. once i was dressed i brushed my hair leaving it down while still parting it. i didn't bother with makeup at the moment.

jisung stepped out and i went in to brush my teeth. i stepped out to observe him. the shirt looked a little big on him. it was cute i handed him the blue hoodie to put on. i helped him in it and made sure it was alright. i fixed his hair a bit.

"don't get cold" i muttered kissing his neck lightly before grabbing his hand and going downstairs.

seulgi and irene were in the living room cuddling as they watched tv. we walked in to the dining room and ate. it a nice feeling waking up with jisung. it made the butterflies in my stomach go wild at the thought that i could kiss him. even if we hadn't talked about whether we were officially boyfriends it didn't matter to me since we both know how we felt. but if jisung wanted us to make it official then i would. jisung still fed me some of his food despite us having the same, but i didn't argue against it this time. i gave him some of mine as well. this time we were the ones who filled the table with laughter and talk. it felt nice and i could feel myself start to have less of a filter and be more comfortable.

i don't really care if i have less of filter and say what i want because i made it clear last night that the boy next to me is the one i want. once we finished i kissed his cheek and told him to go into the living room to watch a movie while i washed the dishes. i could see him from the kitchen as he talked with my moms. it was nice and they spoiled him since they get lonely with me gone.

once i finished the dishes i went to join them. i laid on the couch and pulled jisung on top of me. i ignored the looks of my mom's but jisung just buried his face on my chest probably embarrassed. irene looked she wanted to say something but seulgi stopped her by kissing her cheek. we watched the movies that played and made stupids remarks here and there enjoying each other's presence and embrace. i ignored my heart beating fast for the boy and tried to focus on the movie. i was where i wanted to be and that's all that really mattered. i kissed the top of head as the movie played in the background.


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