lmh ♡ .17

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a few days passed and changbin and i did our holiday shopping. i had left changbin's room after a rough night. i haven't slept since we stayed up the entire time with him ranting about his problems after leaving a bar. i went to the bar to drink since i couldn't find the right time to talk to jisung. i did the best i could and hopefully changbin would take my advice. i was in the mood for a cup of coffee and a good book to read.

since i was still in the school building i decided with getting the book first then the cafe. i began walking down the halls when i heard noise coming from the opposite direction. i was gonna ignore it and keep walking when i heard a voice shout "faggot" in sheer disgust. it made me sick. i turned forgetting about the book and walking in the direction of the voice. i know it's not my business, but i couldn't care less. i was in the corner when i saw jisung being held by two members of the soccer team, while one stood in front of him whispering things to him. the one that stood in front of jisung was grazing his fingers over jisung's stomach while the other two lifted his shirt up. i could feel my blood boil by the way they were touching him.

i wasn't in the attire to fight. i was wearing a black coat with a black turtleneck and striped black and dark gray dress pants. plus my hair was styled up from the previous night before along with make up. and as if i weren't anymore qualified to fight, i'm suffering from a hangover too, so yeah, i'd say i'm very much qualified.

i stepped out and let out a sigh when i saw who exactly they were. they turned when they noticed my presence. i'm not intimidated by them since they're all a few centimeters shorter and they don't really have a lot of muscle for members of a soccer team, how disappointing. i'm sure the campus would lose a soccer game with these guys in it. but they're bigger than jisung for sure.

"three guys going against one. now where's the fairness in that?" i asked rhetorically.

"what do you want?" daehyun sneered at me.

"wow, after i rejected you, now you act like you don't even know me daehyun?" i smirked, watching his face crumple as he could feel the other two looking at him. he gasped like a fish for his breath.

"s-shut up this doesn't concern you" he retaliated although now his voice sounded weaker.

i stepped forward and i could see him crumple. i leaned forward a little "you see, you're touching what's mine. now if you hurt him you'll regret it" i growled in his ear, making sure only he heard it.

"i'll give you a chance to walk away before i get anymore involved." i said as i took a step back.

"he sends his nudes to everyone. he's a fag—" i cut daehyun short by throwing a blow at his jaw. he stumbled, falling down shocked as he held his jaw.

his friends seemed shocked. i slowly took off my coat, throwing off to the side and lifting up my sleeve a little. i could feel my chest rising and falling down fast as i could feel my patience running thin. i narrowed my eyes at him. i grabbed him by the collar not letting him process anything else as i threw another punch and another. i could feel one of his friends trying to pry me off daehyun, but i was stronger than him and shoved him away hard.

one of his friends did manage to punch me near my mouth before i tackled him as well. i couldn't think straight with such rage. the hangover long gone, leaving the feeling of pure anger behind. i landed a few punches on him.

clicking of heels echoing in the halls is what made them stop. they got up and scrambled running off. i grabbed my coat and jisung's hand before dragging him away. i didn't want to get in anymore trouble. we ran until we reached the roof. i leaned up against the wall while jisung sat on the ledge in front of me. i looked at my hands to see them covered in blood. i sighed as i tried finding wipes in my coat to clean them with.

"hyung your lip is bleeding, let's go back inside to get it cleaned up." jisung said after i found a few wipes. i cleaned my knuckles scrubbing hard to wipe off the blood.

i don't like blood on my hands. i am even more ashamed i let my anger get the best of me and beat someone up. i haven't, done it in a long time. it's not me and i don't want people being afraid of me. i turned and started walking away off in the direction to my dorm. i let jisung follow me since there was no point in arguing. once we were in my room i went into the bathroom to get the first aid kit.

jisung showed up moments later inside. he grabbed the kit and grabbed what he needed to clean up. i sat on the sink as he stood in between my legs.

"you're lucky it's only your lip and hands that are bruised" he muttered as he poured the content into a cotton.

"i don't really care much about that. why didn't you tell me about their taunting before?" i asked, watching his expression closely.

"i didn't want to concern you hyung" he said. although i didn't entirely believe it, i let it be.

"next time tell me if someone is bothering you," i replied

"i will. hyung now this will hurt" jisung said as he looked at me. i nodded in response.

i haven't done this in a while. the aftermath of a bad fight and having to clean up the mess. i never really felt the pain when you place the alcohol on the wound. so when jisung cleaned my hand carefully i wasn't in pain, in fact, i was amused by how careful he was treating my wounds. he was being very cautious and doing it slowly just dabbing it lightly. he then got closer by leaning in. he cupped my chin to hold my face in place. he lightly pressed the cotton swab on the cut on my lip. his eyes on my lips the entire time made me feel nervous.

"apply more pressure" i demanded. he looked to meet my eyes. i grew nervous. he'd think i'm a masochist for asking such thing, but the way he was doing it would take way too long. and i don't know if i can sit there any longer with jisung so close to me.

i grabbed the cotton and did it for myself. i didn't wince or flinch as he watched me apply more pressure where it need be. i tried my best not to make eye contact. with jisung eyeing me like that, it made me nervous to know what he was thinking. one things for sure i am not a masochist.


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