lmh ♡ .25

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i was a little nervous about meeting jisung. despite i being the one who decided to meet in the first place. i had finished my work a few hours ago and now i was just getting everything ready. i was still a little 'sane' thanks to jeongin helping me.

i was wearing a white button up blouse which i had unbutton the first few buttons due to how hot i felt along with some tight black pants and a beige trench coat. i decided with my hair being styled up thanks to jeongin's input and more makeup than usual as jeongin said he wanted me to look more 'mysterious'.

i just hope at the end that everything goes well and that jisung says yes. as time got closer to 7 i could feel my nerves getting to me. i'm pretty sure by now jeongin is getting annoyed with my constant blabbering.

"things are changing quickly. i mean not that long ago i wasn't even thinking of dating and now here i am." i rambled as i paced back and forth. while jeongin looked up from what he was currently doing.

"hyung you worry too much. everything will be fine. i will make sure of it." jeongin reassured as he gave me a hug. he then check the clock smiling. "go before you are late. don't keep him waiting" jeongin added as he removed himself. i could feel myself freeze up and i wished to have his comfort embracing me.

he instead just shoved me to the door handing me my phone and wallet. he shoved me out of our room and closed the door on my face. i stood there still kind of frozen in place kind of scared to face things.

i could cancel everything. i mean i've canceled plans before. jisung would understand right? but of course i wouldn't do it. i can't just cancel. i mean he looked so excited to spend time with me and as much as i don't want to admit it. i want to see him too. besides i feel bad for refusing to be affectionate so publicly.

i looked at my phone to see the time read 6:58. shit i ran down to meet jisung outside. i didn't want to keep him waiting. that's a bad impression on a date or whatever this is.

i walked out to see jisung already there. he looked cute bundled up in a jacket. i smiled immediately when i saw him. i find myself doing that a lot around him. his cheeks were flushed from the cold and it made me wonder how long he was out there for. however he still smiled when he saw me. he let his eyes roam making my heart pick up its pace. he looked really good.

"you look hot hyung" jisung said confidently. i know what he's trying to do. he's trying to make me flustered like he always does. well it worked but i won't show him the satisfaction of seeing me like that. i smirked as i leaned closer to him. until i leaned closer to his ear.

"and you look sexy" i growled in his ear softly. i could feel him shiver under me. i blew in his ear softly just to tease him. which worked since he yelp a little at the feeling. i laughed watching his face flush light pink. cute!

"you ready?" i asked him. he nodded as i grabbed his hand kissing it lightly before stuffing it in my pocket as i held him close to give him some kind of warmth.

i didn't want jisung to get cold or sick if we walked. so i walked him to my car and helped him in. i then jogged to my side and started the car. i let him blast the radio as we made small talk. there wasn't any awkward silence (caw caw caw ) which i was grateful for.

we talked the whole way there. it calmed my nerves so i was thankful. we pulled up to the restaurant i wanted to take jisung to. i didn't want to worry him with how much it'd cost so i didn't tell him. i helped him out and we walked hand in hand. we went to the front where they led us to a table at the back where no one could really see us so we had privacy. i helped him sit and i sat next to him as i took the menus. i handed him one and told him what i'd recommend. we skimmed through the menu before the waiter came to take our orders. once he was gone we could finally talk.

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