hjs ♡ .17

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minho and i weren't any better than we had been recently. neither of us spoke to each other unless extremely necessary, and by that i mean when my chair leg was caught on his backpack strap. i wasn't even mad at this point, i was just hurt. he wasn't even going to try and talk to me again either.

he and changbin hung out more times than not. i saw changbin post them going to a bar the night before, which made me kind of upset. thinking of all the guys and girls that probably flirted with him. but i put it out of my mind. i was going to hang out with chan for a few, so i decided to go meet up with him at the cafe within the school.

it was nearly 8pm, almost closing time for the cafe. on my way there, i noticed three familiar guys standing with their arms crossed. the large dimly lit hall didn't make the situation any more comforting either.

"oh, jisung. we meet again." daehyun snickered, standing in front of me before i could pass him.

"look daehyun, i don't want any problems." i said in a low voice, not looking up at him.

he laughed, "you already started problems, han."

i tried to go around him but he laughed. "soobin, jihoon." he said, gesturing his hand towards the other two boys. the other boys immediately sprang into action, looping their arms onto my arms. they held me back and stepped on my feet, making me completely defenseless. one of them even put his hand over my mouth.

daehyun took a step forward, a nasty grin on his face. "fine jisung, if you wanna hook up so bad i bet you wouldn't mind this." he got even closer, his lips close to my ear. i started to shout something, but his friend tightened his grip on my face, making it hurt even more than it already did. daehyun looked up, smirking. "oh yeah, and try and be quiet okay?"

he planted a soft kiss right by my ear, then trailed down towards my neck.

i wanted to cry. i wanted to cry so bad. it hurt to do anything. it hurt to feel everything. the tightened grips on my body and his slobbery lips along my skin. and the giggling. their giggles at how defenseless i was made me hurt the most. it really reminded me of how useless everyone thought i was. daehyun slid his tongue along my jawline, then pulled away.

"how was that?" daehyun asked, smiling.

"shit." i said, muffled because of his friend's hand over my face.

daehyun gestured for his friend to remove his hand from my face, then asked me to repeat myself.

"i said it was shit." i retorted, not sorry for the tone i carried.

"faggot!" he shouted in anger, throwing his hoodie to the floor as he paced. his mood changed once again as he came back. he started to whisper.

"maybe, i can show you a better time huh? why don't the four of us go back to my room?" he smiled, his fingers hovering over my belly button. he started to lift my shirt, then had his friends hold it up for him. he then started to trace little squiggles all the way down to my waistband. i wished chan would come and save me. i couldn't do anything but sweat and start to tear as i felt his fingertips toy with my band on my sweats.

"three guys going against one. now where's the fairness in that?" i heard someone say. it couldn't be.

"what do you want?" daehyun asked, his tone obviously annoyed and his eyebrow raised.

"wow after i rejected you, now you act like you don't even know me daehyun?" minho said, grinning as daehyun's friends gave him weird looks. daehyun made it clear he was straight. it was the first time i saw daehyun lose his cool.

"s-shut up this doesn't concern you" he answered. i could tell by the shakiness in his voice that he was embarrassed.

minho stepped even closer to daehyun, whispering something in his ear. daehyun's face changed as he spoke. i wondered what he told him.

"i'll give you a chance to walk away before i get anymore involved." minho said, taking a few steps back.

"he sends his nudes to everyone. he's a fag—" daehyun started, but he was cut off by a fist right to the jaw. his friends loosened their grip on my arms, looking concerned as their friend fell to the ground clutching his face.

minho took his jacket off and tossed it to the side. he slid his sleeves up his arm and started throwing punches at daehyun, not even giving him a chance to register what was happening. daehyun's friends let go of me, going to help out their friend. the four of them were caught in a tussle on the floor, but once minho got hit in the mouth, i was ready to jump in myself.

the boys all stopped once heels could be heard clicking against the floor. the three boys all sprinted away, clutching different parts of their body minho bruised. minho grabbed his jacket and my hand, pulling me along with him as he ran. we ran up the stairs that led to the roof of the school. we definitely wouldn't have been caught up there.

minho leaned up against the brick wall while i sat on the ledge. i watched as he searched his coat pockets for something.

he pulled out a wipe and scrubbed his knuckles, which were covered in all types of dried blood. "hyung, your lip is bleeding. let's go back inside to get it cleaned up." i told him. minho stayed quiet as he headed through the door, back into the building. i followed him.

minho reached his room first and headed straight into the bathroom, leaving the door open. after a few moments i peered inside to check on him. he handed me the first aid kit.

i looked through it, picking up the alcohol and neosporin as well as bandaids and some cottons and swabs.

minho sat on the counter in the bathroom and i stood between his legs. "you're lucky it's only your lip and hands that are bruised" i told him as i soaked up the cotton with the alcohol.

"i don't really care much about that. why didn't you tell me about their taunting before?" he questioned with a sincere expression.

"i didn't want to concern you, hyung" i responded. i didn't want to worry him, but i also didn't want him to think i was that much of a loser.

"next time tell me if someone is bothering you" he said, no hesitation in his speech.

i didn't know what to say, but it warmed my heart. maybe he does care? "i will." i responded. i took the cotton and brought it towards his hands. "hyung, now this will hurt" i warned before placing it on the cuts. he just nodded, signaling that it was okay.

i carefully wiped the skin, cleaning up the open wound. i brought his hands really close to my face to make sure i was caring for it properly. his eyes were on me, i could tell. i rested his hands gently in his lap, then looked up. he was looking at me.

i looked back at him and stepped a bit closer. i placed my hand on his chin, turning his face so i could see the cut more clearly. i kept my hand on his cheek to keep him from moving. i dabbed the cotton on his lip gently, trying not to make it hurt so much.

"apply more pressure" he told me rather than asked. did the stinging not bother him? i looked up at him and his cheeks were dusted pink. probably from the burn of the alcohol.

he took the cotton from me then started to clean up the cut on his own. i watched as he did so. even cleaning up, he still looked so ethereal. all i could think about what how i really missed him, even if he thought i was a man whore.


dhdnndnrjc 9kkkk???!?! tysm loves !!! -mina

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