hjs ♡ .06

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the morning came. i had fallen asleep. chan nor changbin were anywhere to be found. only a shirtless sleepy minho still on changbin's bed. daylight slipped though the window and illuminated his face, turning him a golden color. i smiled as i passed him.

i walked into the bathroom to use it quickly, then stepped out once i was finished.

"binnie" he mumbled, stretching his hands out across the bed in search for changbin. "come back to bed." he was still half asleep, his face pressed in the pillow.

"oh, he's not here."  i whispered honestly.

"come on, please." he whined, rubbing the bed sheet tiredly. i couldn't pass up the opportunity. minho wanted to lay with me, i couldn't help but take up the chance. i smiled, crawling into the bed beside him.

he turned facing me, his eyes still closed. he pulled me by the waist so i was much closer to him. my face was pressed up against his chest. "um, are you okay hyung?" i asked. suddenly as i spoke, a small noise escaped his lips. am i hearing things right? did i just hear him moan? i couldn't help but feel all fuzzy on the inside. he brushed my messy hair back and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead. life's good. i felt myself dozing off as well.

i heard a loud buzzing in the back of my mind, but not loud enough to wake me up. what did wake me up was fingers running through my hair.

"binnie wake up" he said, gently. i groaned against his chest. "binnie we have to get up. we can sleep later" he promised, ruffling my hair.

i sat up, rubbing my eyes and yawning. i opened my eyes slowly to see minho scooting away from me, tugging the blanket over his torso.

"w-where's c-changbin?" he asked, his voice shaky and nervous. i watched as his eyes searched the room, probably in hopes to find his friend who wasn't even there. minho's voice was deep and tired. his morning voice was sexy, not even gonna lie.

"he left early." i looked up to him, observing his puffy face and messy bed head. "i ended up staying the night cause chan was with his girlfriend or something. y'know, changbin didn't even help me with that worksheet and it's all your fault." i told him, placing my elbows on my thighs and my head in my hand.

"i d-didn't do anything right? we didn't do anything?" he questioned, a serious tone in his wavering voice. i searched his eyes for anything. why he was so nervous, or why he was so cautious, or why his breathing was so unsteady?

"no, hyung. are you okay?" i asked, obviously concerned with his behavior. i reached out to touch him, but he flinched away. i pulled my hand back, afraid i'd make him more uncomfortable if i touched him.

"w-where are changbin's clothes? i don't wanna be late" he said, looking around at the drawers. i suddenly remembered the clothes i had left one night i had stayed with chan after going out together to a party. he was drinking a bit so i stayed the night here with him and changbin.

"probably somewhere around here. i have clothes around here somewhere from when i was hanging out with chan one time." i said, getting up and walking towards chan's dresser. i pulled open the drawers, rummaging through clothes of all sorts and ignoring the box of condoms chan left in his dresser.

"ah, here we go." i said, finding my white button up and black skinny jeans from that night. i walked back over to minho, handing him the clothes. as much as i didn't want to, i turned around to give him some privacy. i even covered my eyes.

"you can look. i'm done."

i turned around, my eyes immediately fixating on his chest. minho was a bit bigger than me and a few inches taller, so my clothes fit tight on him. he had unbuttoned the first few buttons of the shirt, exposing his chest in a modest yet sexy way. i couldn't help but bite my lip.

"you shouldn't bite your lip. it'll bleed." he said in his raspy yet gentle voice. i brought my attention back to his eyes, feeling my cheeks heat up.

"i'm leaving. i'll give these back to you clean." he told me, reaching for his bag on the floor. he swung it over his shoulder and headed towards the door.

"wait for me minho hyung. please?" i asked, watching as he was already turning the door knob open. i started to look for my things, hoping he'd wait up for me. i won't take long, hyung.

"i-i can't" he responded, pulling the door open and stepping out. i watched as he left, once again not looking back at me.

i trudged, picking up my paper from chan's nightstand. i grabbed the key chan gave me, stuffing it in my pocket along with my phone. i slipped on my sneakers, sighing as i pulled open the door. a part of me hoped minho was still nearby and i could walk him to class. but he wasn't.

i walked to my dorm room. seungmin was still there. he was typing furiously on his laptop. "everything okay?" he asked, watching as i threw myself face first on my bed.

"sodium hydride."


howdyyy,, i hope you guys are enjoying the story so far :')

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