lmh ♡ .05

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one word to describe the atmosphere in changbin's dorm room is quiet. his roommate is this older guy named chan who was constantly working, therefore he was never really home.

chan's side of the room was nearly empty and it made sense since i hardly see him. his walls were plain with a simple dark blue color and his bed sheets were made as if he hadn't touched them since. while changbin's side has photos scattered around the wall that you can barely see the blue wall. it ranged from pictures of me and him. some of us doing stupid things or of stupid things he thought looked cool. his bed has a bunch of pillows and blankets everywhere. he even has a whole bunch of snacks scattered along his bed. i don't even wanna see what the closet looks like at this point. i would not wanna be his roommate. he's my friend but to actually live with him when he's this messy. no thanks i rather not.

we began playing a movie on changbin's laptop while we laid on his bed sharing chips. i usually come to his room for his chips and to tease him. it's kind of like my job as his friend after all he is the one who wanted to be friends with me. he always tells me he regrets it and that if he could he'd turn back in time and stop himself from approaching me but i know he doesn't really mean it. or at least i hope he doesn't.

except today he turned the tables on me. changbin had asked me what happened back in the detention room, so i explained to him. long story short, he said i was too harsh and that i should fix things. he's lab partners with jisung and knows him fairly well. he told me that jisung really isn't that bad when you get to know him. i didn't know how to fix things between us though. i mean, i felt bad for upsetting him, but he also annoys me to my breaking point sometimes. changbin got up and threw away the empty bag of chips in the trash bin. (aw look at changbin and me sharing chips lol)

i paused the movie when i saw changbin started undoing his shirts buttons. i did the same as i wanted to be comfortable and we usually sleep in our briefs only. we always did this when we hung out. it's kindof nice being so comfortable with someone like this. he's the only person who i truly trust enough to do this in front of. i was stripping off my shirt when the front door opened.

"yeah, chan hyung. i have a few questio-"  i saw jisung standing there, changed into some casual clothes. a white t-shirt and grey sweats. he was gripping a worksheet when he looked up to see changbin shirtless and me taking off my shirt. i felt heat rise up to my cheeks once i saw him checking out my body. i grabbed changbin's blanket to cover my exposed stomach. i hate my life.

jisung stood there for a few, frozen before he snapped out of it and went to chan's bed on the other side of the room. the only thing in between us was a drawer with a bed lamp. and that made me feel extremely uncomfortable. because someone other than changbin just saw me half naked. it made me a little self conscious now. i just wanted to dig a hole and throw myself in it.

"oh jisung, chan gave you a key?"

jisung nodded slowly, not looking over in our direction.

"ah,, lemme finish this movie and then i can help you. just hang out for a little while." changbin said, getting underneath the blanket and playing the movie again. i felt him cuddle up on my side as we began watching the movie. i hoped changbin cuddling me and the blanket on us would cover me enough. i tried to calm myself down from how embarrassed i was that jisung just checked me out half naked. i was even more afraid now to take off my pants.

"do you want me to take your pants off?" changbin offered when he felt me shuffling underneath the blanket. he was grabbing the button already. i could feel both jisung's and changbin's eyes on me now and boy did i wanna bury myself even more at this very moment.

"later, i wanna watch this" i said trying to be careful to not have my voice crack. changbin didn't look very convinced. he knows how much i hate sleeping with clothes on, briefs being the only exception. and i wish at this moment he didn't know me well enough because knowing changbin he won't take the hint that i don't want him to push it.

"are you sure? i can do it for you." changbin insisted. "plus it's only jisung in here, he wouldn't mind. right jisungie?"

jisung nodded slowly, looking back at his worksheet.

i only meekly nodded my eyes still focused on the movie. i put my arm around him and pulled him to my exposed chest.

we laid like that just watching the movie. every now and then changbin would laugh or say something stupid to make me laugh. he'd scream at the slightest movement when the music got intense as it builds up. he'd just turn and bury his face on my chest to stop himself from looking any further.

"i don't like her. she's so stupid. who yells 'hello' in a horror movie? like what do you expect?? the killer to answer you?" changbin ranted in the middle of the film. i paused it to hear him complain.

"changbin you aren't exactly the smartest either and you're not even in a horror movie to have an excuse" i replied. i felt him smack my thigh underneath causing me to yelp.

"i'm serious min" changbin replies i scrunched up my nose at the nickname he gave me a long time ago.

"maybe they don't have horror movies in horror movies so that could be why they're so stupid when confronting killers" i suggested even though i know this could be a stretch. the script writers probably just want them stupid so it's easier to kill them off.

"wow, min. i hadn't thought of that" changbin replies before nuzzling into my neck as i continued playing the movie.


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