lmh ♡ . 32

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after that night the group just split even more. more days passed quickly. changbin didn't see felix because of what happened. it made it awkward for them to do so. since felix is jisung's best friend and changbin is mine. i didn't tell him to but he picked my side and you can already tell what side felix picked. it only fed to my guilt that i had ruined their relationship because mine failed. i had told changbin that he didn't have to do this but he said that he was my friend before anything and that he would stick by me through and through. of course he told me he still cares and misses felix but that our friendship was first. he and felix hadn't broken up it was more of giving each other space so that they could be with their friends more. i appreciate changbin i really do and i almost feel bad for how much i tease him.

i miss jisung more than anything. i am not even mad at this point just hurt. he hasn't been showing up a lot lately and hyunjin seems to glare at me any chance he gets. i want to know he's fine. i want to know he's been taking care of himself. i want him overall. i don't even know what to do or think anymore. everyday it's the same routine i just numb my feelings or surroundings. i'm tired of thinking especially of that night. i can't just forget jisung even if i try. i miss his messy blonde hair that falls over his eyes. i miss running my hands through his hair. his lips that form a pout when his face is pressed against the pillow or whenever he tried to 'act' cute to get me to do something he wanted. his smile that reaches his eyes whenever he's most happy with things or when he stuffs his face with food. the sun would reflect specks of dust followed by engulfing us with warmth. it made his skin glow. the way his eyes would flutter open and he'd smile when he'd see me admiring him. or when he'd get shy or flustered when i'd compliment him or tease him. i love all the little things he does that he may not even realize he does. how he'd smile into a kiss or how he'd cuddle up against me.

i can't stop thinking of everything we've been through. how we came to be. from me not wanting anything to do with him to loving him to where we are now. i just want things back to how they were when jisung was in my arms and when he was still mine before our fight or the party. i didn't know how much i'd be losing. i would forgive him. i know we can work things out after all my feelings for him are still there.

it was friday again and we were having a mini road trip to changbin's house. i wanted to get away from the suffocating life that is university. it could also do me and jeongin good. so there we were in my car blasting music to fill the car as we stopped at a convenience store. i felt bittersweet about it but i put it in the back of my mind to stop myself from thinking of the boy i love. although i thanked changbin for putting up with us cause we are a dead crowd to him. it was like he was having a conversation with himself mostly.

when we entered the convenience store changbin tried to take on juggling some candies. he learned a few minutes later that he can't when the candies all hit his head. i let out a chuckle but it came out kind of weak, but changbin still heard and he smiled as he rubbed his head. he then told me to pretend i was a mime. i wasn't exactly up for it but seeing that jeongin at least cracked a smile watching changbin make a fool of himself i figured why not. i still felt guilty that jeongin was in pain so i did this around a few aisles until a old lady smacked me with her purse cause she thought i was following her, but it made jeongin laugh so it was worth it. we walked around acting like idiots for jeongin. changbin stopped in the middle of the chip aisle looking at a random bag with his mouth hanging. a lady was a few feet near as she scanned the shelf for a bag when changbin interrupted her thought process. jeongin and i didn't know where he was going with this. to be honest we were just here for the long ride.

"i thought i told you to wait in the car!" he yelled as he glared at the bag making the woman exchanged awkward glances between the bag and changbin. it was at this moment i wished i didn't agree to come along with him and jeongin seemed to be thinking the same.

"where is you're brother?! ugh why do you always do this?! why can't you be like your sister?!" changbin argued as he picked up the bag holding it like a baby. i looked at jeongin then at the lady. she looked scared.

she didn't waste anymore time in that aisle with us. she grabbed a random bag and speed walked out of there. we laughed watching her leave but continued on and the mood was much lighter than before. we paid and continued driving to his house.

we arrived at his house a few hours later. it was starting to get dark by the time we were in his front steps with the snacks in hand. changbin opened the door for us and led us in. his home was like i remember it. we walked to the kitchen and set down the snacks. we began laughing and talking about the trip when we heard footsteps coming down the stairs. once changbin's mom appeared we all greeted her. changbin had mentioned that he let her know of our coming and she was excited for us to stay since her husband works late and is rarely home. she took a liking to jeongin instantly. jeongin has that affect on people that just makes you want to protect him. she had heard of him but never met him.

"he's so cute!" she cooed as she pinched his cheeks while jeongin squirmed in her hold.

"i'm not..." jeongin whined when she released his cheeks. he started rubbing them as they would surely change to a red tint. "i'm a man.." he mumbled back

"hmm.." his mom looked at him. even she didn't believe him which i found funny. "do you want apple juice?" she asked him as she headed to the fridge.

"oh yes please!" he exclaimed as he smiled politely. changbin and i exchanged a glance at each other and we both thought the same thing. baby

we spend the night cooking and eating junk food while we did so. we ate with his mom and talked about our lives. i guess changbin warned her about what to mention with me because she didn't ask or mention jisung which i appreciated. we then helped wash the dishes and watched movies the whole night of all genres from comedy to romance to horror and more. we also told stories that varied from funny to creepy and his mom got to know jeongin a little more while she caught up with changbin and i. she was already treating him like a baby and even volunteered to read to him before he went to bed. his mom was always cool and she had so many interesting things to say and she gave really good advice. i felt myself feel at ease as my worries went away even if it was for a little while.


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