lmh ♡ .11

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"i-i'm sorry" i mumbled looking at him. i opened the door wider for him to come in.

he stepped in and stood awkwardly in the middle of the dorm looking around. his eyes stayed on the polaroid pictures of changbin and i on the wall. i closed the door and locked it. i placed the snacks on the bed and sat with my back on the wall. i motioned for him to sit next to me. he walked over carefully, leaving a little bit of space between us.

"i know you mean good. i'm sorry for how i treated you. i'm just use to relying on changbin." i started looking at my hands. i could feel tears welling up in my eyes again. i never really cried in front of people not even in front of changbin. he placed his hand on top of mine. i looked at him to see his face soften as he leaned in using his other hand to wipe my tears.

"hey, shush. it's okay. i understand it's hard for you. you can rely on me now. i'll make sure to catch you when you fall." he whispered softly. he rubbed circles on my hand and i found myself leaning on him.

he wrapped his arms around me and held me close. i let it all out. he just kept whispering sweet nothings to me while he rubbed my back. i was clinging onto his shirt and had climbed on his lap with my legs on either side of his.

"you don't have to tell me what happened. i'm okay with just being here, with you in my arms." jisung mumbled kissing my forehead.

"the blame is on me. he never really loved me and after all this i can't find it in me to hate him." i mumbled back. he didn't say anything.

the rain hit the small diner's roof and windows softly. a small tv that was in the top corner of the diner displayed for everyone was shouting out the weather conditions and news. a small group of teenagers were in a small booth huddled away from everybody while a few older people were scattered around the diner in singles or coupled. a group of men in their early 20s walked in and took a seat behind me. i could hear the small bell dinging to show orders were ready and waitresses sauntering from tables.

i muted it all out and focused on the boy in front of me. he was holding my hand across the table as we waited for our food. he'd occasionally lean across the table to pull me in for a kiss. he'd hum a tune as he rubbed circles on my hand.

once our food arrive we ate in silence. it's wasn't an awkward silence. it was comfortable. he'd feed me some of his food and likewise. we stayed talking as we stared at each other with loving eyes. he would go on about the things he loved about me and we'd take turns.

we stood up to head out the diner when i heard one of the men who was sitting behind me whistle as i felt a hand collide with my ass. i could feel my face heat up but i tried to ignore it. it was proven difficult when woojin grabbed this guys cup containing coffee and poured it on his lap. the guy let out a scream along with curses as he stood up his chair scraping on the wooden floor. i tried to get a hold of woojin's arm and pull him back but he wouldn't stand down. he wouldn't listen to me when i told him the guy wasn't worth it. the guy turned to look at him glaring as he turned red. his friends stood up as well. i tried to apologize to him but the guy just shoved me away as one of his friends caught me. woojin still didn't back down he just stepped forward getting in his face if anything. i managed to free myself from the guys friends and tried helping woojin fighting them off. but one of them managed to punch my mouth nearly knocking me over. i couldn't feel the pain all i could focus on was helping woojin. i fought back as much as i could but one of them caught me again and i tried getting away from his friends grip but it was no use i felt helpless. i watched the guy and his two other friends fight woojin while i begged them to stop. i yelled and begged struggling against the tight grip but if anything they just kept going. glass got shattered and spills were made as they stained the floor. people watched and didn't intervene. one of the waitresses was behind the counter on the phone calling the cops. i could hear the sounds of their shoes as they kicked woojin and punched him. eventually my hearing got clouded with the sound of the rain getting heavier as i tried to find comfort from seeing them hurt woojin in front of me. once they seemed satisfied they let me fall to the ground on the shattered glass and walked away. blood was everywhere and the glass was sinking in to my skin ripping past my jeans. the blood coating my hands and legs. i felt weak but i rushed to woojin to help him despite my legs wanting to fall beneath me. i helped him stand up and walked him to the car quickly. we heard the sirens in the distance as we sat soaking wet in his car. i turned to look at woojin who was wincing in pain as he clutched his stomach. my heart felt like it dropped. i had to drive us back to the motel to get him cleaned up. the whole way i couldn't stop my throat from closing in as i tried to fight back the tears that welled in my eyes but woojin still held my hand trying to soothe me. the whole way there all that i could really think was is this how we'll live our lives together? is he worth it?

we stayed like that for a while until i managed to calm down. once i did, i pulled away so that i could look at him. i hadn't really paid attention before but jisung has nice features. i could observe them more up close now. his blonde hair falls to his eyes and it looks really soft. his eyes take the light from the room. his lips are pouty almost. his face resembles innocence despite his personality. jisung's eyes flickered to my lips. i looked down at his lips as well. i didn't know why but i felt the urge to lean in.

"i needed that" i said as i got off his lap. i couldn't kiss him. i had to stop myself. what has gotten into me? i can't do that to jisung. i handed him his bag of chips. "wanna watch a movie?" i asked pulling my laptop, trying to brighten the serious atmosphere and clear my head that was fighting with me. i wanted to stop thinking about it. i don't want jisung asking questions about it either.

"yeah, are you okay now?" he asked getting closer to me as he opened his bag.

"i feel better, thanks" i replied as i unlocked my laptop. "what do you wanna watch?" i asked as i went on my netflix.

"i don't really mind you can pick" he replied. i nodded as i scanned through options. i decided on shrek since i wanted to watch something that could lift the serious atmosphere plus it's something changbin and i watched whenever we were sad.


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