lmh ♡ .38

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days had passed. as the day was approaching everything was becoming more real. i was running out of time. but i still smiled around jisung. at least when i was with him, i could pretend that we'd have more time together because time always seemed to slow down when i'm around him.

i didn't want to worry him. and i figured if i didn't occupy my thoughts with the amount of days, hours, minutes, and seconds i had left then i could enjoy the last few moments i have with him.

we were suppose to be meeting up with changbin and felix for a double date. i was in the shower washing up while jisung waited for me. i couldn't help but to let my mind think back to how close the day was approaching. even though i didn't want to and i told myself not to. i still did and the more i stayed underneath the shower head with warm water pouring on me, the more my thoughts consumed me.

this was it for me. i had to make a decision. not only for myself but for jisung. for us. i finished up and turned off the water before drying myself and putting on my boxers.

i stepped out of the bathroom in my boxers and a towel around my neck. he had seen me like this multiple times by now so i wasn't uncomfortable with him seeing me half naked.

i put on my best face for jisung. i didn't want him to know how scared i actually was.

as i approached him his face turned pink. i had gotten use to it. i liked seeing his reactions and he liked seeing mine. it was something unspoken between us.

"hey baby" i spoke softly as i rubbed my wet hair with the towel. he looked up at me from the bed and smiled meekly.

"hey" he mumbled softly only to bring his attention back to his hands playing on the hem of his shirt.

i sat beside him and placed my hands on his pulling his fingers to get his attention. he eventually looked at me. "hey baby" i said again confused as i looked over his features.

he didn't say anything instead he moved his legs on either side of my lap straddling me. he laid his head gently on my neck and placed his arms on my shoulders. i only placed my hand on the small of his back drawing little swirls.

"you've been acting different lately. what's wrong?" i asked pulling him away so that he could face me.

"i'm fine. just a bit tired, can we stay here tonight? watch a movie or something? we could watch shrek for the hundredth time." he answered back but i shook my head at the idea.

"we promised changbin and felix that we'd go out with them." i reminded him and he only nodded before laying his head back into its previous spot. except this time he kept placing kisses along the skin.

"are you gonna get ready?"

"just another minute of this please." jisung replied making me smile a little.

he continued this. the kisses on my neck had become kisses on my jaw and collarbone. the kisses were light yet they still sent a shiver crawling up my spine. my breathing grew heavier the closer he got to the one particular area i found myself weak in. i only moved my head back to give him more access to it.

"see, we could just stay and do this all night." he whispered in between kisses. his breath hitting my skin that made contact with his lips. my body felt hypersensitive to jisung's touch.

i moved my hand to his ass and gripped it only for jisung to yelp at the contact. and then it dawned on me that he was trying to get me to stay home tonight. as much as i really wanted to i couldn't because we had promised the changlix couple and i know changbin will annoy me by bringing it up any chance he gets. "we have to go, baby. another night, okay?" changbin owes me big time for this. i could have stayed home with jisung doing this.

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