hjs ♡ .05

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a few hours later, i sat alongside seungmin.

"jisung." he sighed, rubbing his temples. "it's right here on the fucking reference table-" he said, pointing aggressively at the organic compounds on the packet. "so look. you have two hydrogens, one carbon and two oxygens. so this organic compound would be an..."

i thought, furrowing my eyebrows. "an... aldehyde?"

"a fUcking acid jisung! it's a fucking acid." seungmin threw his hands up, dropping the paper and pencil. he paced around in a circle. "you're not gonna pass this class jisung. how even are you passing your classes?"

"oh, changbin hyung helps me a lot." i told him. i mean, we're science partners after all. and changbin was pretty good at chemistry.

"i don't know jisung, maybe changbin can help you out." seungmin suggested, sitting himself beside me.

i thought about it and sighed. "i'll see if chan's available. he's passed the class already. changbin's probably off with minho or something."

"oh yeah, lee minho right? i see the two of them hang out a lot. they seem really close to be honest. they'd be a cute couple."

"thAnks a lot, seungmin." i picked up my pencil and paper off the carpet and headed to the door. i pulled chan's key off the table. he had given me an extra. or rather, i stole his. "i'm going to find chan. be back in a few." i pulled open the door and walked down the end of the hall to chan and changbin's room.

i opened the door, immediately regretting it. "yeah, chan hyung. i have a few questio-" my heart nearly fell out of my ass as i saw changbin shirtless and minho undoing his shirt while laying on changbin's bed. minho's stomach and chest were exposed. he was so fit. and his stomach was really toned. not only that, but his skin was so smooth and soft looking. gentle to the touch. i stood there for a minute, realizing i was staring.

i couldn't go back to seungmin without any answers or else he'd bash my head in. i held my paper up against my face, blocking the two as i walked towards chan's bed taking a seat. i looked at the floor.

"oh jisung, chan gave you a key?"

i nodded at them, not even wanting to look in their direction.

"ah, lemme finish this movie and then i can help you. just hang out for a little while." changbin told me. i heard him shuffling on the bed next to minho. "do you want me to take your pants off?" he asked.

i tensed up at that, giving them a stare. it made me sick and upset to even hear. i contemplated leaving, but i figured chan wouldn't be gone for that long. i kept looking over my worksheet, hoping that the wait would be over soon.

"later, i wanna watch this" i heard minho say, his voice wavering.

"are you sure? i can do it for you. plus it's only jisung in here, he wouldn't mind. right jisungie?" changbin said.

i looked up at the two who were cuddling underneath a blanket. i nodded then looked back at my worksheet, knowing if i looked at them any longer i might cry. i really hate being a second option.

the two of them bickered about different scenes in their movie. i assumed it was a horror movie based on all their comments. they argued like a married couple, making fun of each other a lot. but the nickname is what really got to me. 'min'. if only he'd let me call him that. i wonder what would happen if i did.

it was getting late at this point, nearly 8pm. i turned my head and noticed the two of them falling asleep. i sighed. i guess i'll just continue to wait for chan to come back. they're both asleep, at least the worst part is over. i wouldn't have to hear them getting along so well for a while.

i took another glance at them. minho was so pretty when he slept. ugh. why does it have to be changbin?

i watched videos on my phone and played games until chan would be back. i laid on my side. maybe i'll just take a quick nap and he'll wake me up when he get's back. yeah, that'll be good.


hey guys,, i've been mentally exhausted and i really hate my school. but this story low key keeps me motivated and ily guys -mina

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