lmh ♡ .30

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i woke up late the next morning to the sun hitting my face. i almost had a heart attack when i realized i wasn't in my dorm room. i threw the blanket off my body and got up. i searched for my clothes from last night and threw them on. i felt yucky and like shit but what can i do. i rushed into the bathroom and i looked like an even bigger mess than last night. my face had dry tears running down and my eyes were more puffier than before. i brushed my teeth and washed my face before stepping out.

i headed down the hall into the living room looking for any sign of woojin. i spotted him in the kitchen with his back turned towards me. he was cooking and the smell of food hit me. i walked over slowly and made sure to keep distance between us. i cleared my throat to get his attention.

"i'm leaving. thanks for letting me stay." i told him as i looked anywhere but him.

"have something to eat before you go." woojin urged me as he filled the white plates with food he had just prepared. i shook my head gently denying his offer. i didn't want to stay. i regretted staying over already as i felt i did something wrong.

"i can't. i appreciate it but i have to go." i told him honestly.

"i'm trying to be nice minnie. i'm not trying to take advantage of you. if you wanna be friends then we'll be friends." woojin told me. it felt weird hearing him say it. i mean how could i fully trust him if he's taken advantage of me before?

"i missed a couple of lessons. i can't stay." i reasoned which is true i did. i missed my half my morning lessons. which was a bit of a relief to me because i don't have to face jisung yet. he let out a sigh as he realized my mind was made up.

"alright well call me if you need anything." woojin told me as i started heading towards the front door. i grabbed my coat, phone and keys.

"i don't think ten would like that very much." i told him as i tried to remind him that he had ten not me. he can't just use us back and forth when he wants. this isn't high school.

"he doesn't have a say in this." woojin told me as he turned back to setting down the plates on his dining table.

i turned and opened the door without another thought. once i was out of his place i could feel weight lifting off my shoulder. i felt i could finally breathe. so there i stood outside his apartment door breathing like an idiot. i walked down the flight of stairs and made my way to my car. once i sat inside my car i could finally process what happened.

the drive back home was silent. i had turned my radio off. i wasn't in the mood to hear music or the news i just wanted to sleep. i saw the university pulling up in my view and i could feel myself getting sick to my stomach. i wanted to turn back and go away but i have to face things as they are. once i parked my car i headed inside the boys dorm. i walked quickly with my head down. my hands were shaking the whole time i tried opening my door.

when i did i was shocked to see jeongin sitting in his bed with his head down. once he heard me opening the door he snapped his head to look up. he had tears in his eyes but he didn't say anything. instead he just got up and hit me in the chest before hugging me. i couldn't do anything but bust into tears crying as i held him. i felt like absolute shit at that moment as if i hadn't hit rock bottom last night. i couldn't calm down and jeongin just pulled me to his bed to sit down. we sat facing each other as he waited for me to calm down. i cried even more because he was being nice to me when i have to tell him the bad news. it will crush him. i know it will.

"hyung what happened? i was worried about you. you hadn't called or messaged me. you weren't even here in the morning. no one knew where you were and jisung nor hyunjin would answer their phones." jeongin told me. i couldn't form a sentence. i just cried and cried. all jeongin could do was wait for me to talk when i was ready. he pulled me in for a hug and we stayed like that. with him running circles on my back and telling me everything will be alright.

i swallowed the harsh lump that i had been familiar with since last night and wiped my tears as i took shaky breaths. jeongin watched me closely.

"i-i'm s-sorry. i...i s-stayed over at w-woojin's" i told him softly. he stared at me blankly as he processed what i said.

"why? i thought you guys broke up? what about jisung? he wouldn't be okay knowing that" jeongin told me. i let out a weak chuckle at hearing jisung's name.

"j-jisung c-cheated on me. t-twice" i told him.

"are you sure?" jeongin asked me softly afraid his way of wording would cause me to freak. i nodded weakly as i kept my eyes casted down at my hands. i wish it wasn't true.

"y-yeah. w-with t-two of my h-high s-school f-friends" i told him as i chuckled bitterly thinking of the previous nights events. last night i was suppose to relax and have fun.

"who? do i know them?" jeongin asked me. i looked up slowly to see his eyes filled with curiosity over who and i could feel my heart breaking all over again. if i don't tell him i am a bad friend and if i do tell him i hurt him.

"j-johnny a-and....h-hyunjin" i muttered softly. i knew he heard me because his face fell.

"are y-you sure? h-hyunjin?" he asked me as he pulled away. i nodded as he waited for me to explain.

"he w-was on t-top of j-jisung t-taking his s-shirt off w-when i w-walked in." i told him as more tears slipped. it really fucking hurt having to sit here and tell him. i could see the instant regret in jeongin's eyes as he hugged me quickly muttering how sorry he was that he asked. he had tears welling up in his eyes but he wouldn't let them fall not right now at least.

i kept telling him how sorry i was. that eventually he let the tears fall as he broke down crying. i felt completely weak watching as he got his heart broken and i couldn't do anything to console him or reassure him that everything would be okay because even i didn't know. i just lost jisung who i really care about. someone who i really miss and hyunjin someone who i thought i could trust. jeongin held me tightly as he cried burying his head on my neck. he was full on sobbing and i joined him because we both shared the same pain of heart break and betrayal.


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