What they look like to Me

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A/N: None of these images belong to me. I got them from Google.

Our main girl Alexis:

Her best friend Lilith:

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Her best friend Lilith:

Lilth's Younger brother Corciel and main love interest:

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Lilth's Younger brother Corciel and main love interest:

Lilth's Younger brother Corciel and main love interest:

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Corciel's oldest friend. Rouen:

Baltazar the other main love interest:

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Baltazar the other main love interest:

Baltazar the other main love interest:

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Baltazar's oldest friend. Torriat:

Originally I wanted Corciel to be the white guy but then I saw that image and it screamed Corciel to me

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Originally I wanted Corciel to be the white guy but then I saw that image and it screamed Corciel to me. And it made sense to make both siblings Dark skinned right?

Ok. Tell me what you think. I'm very excited. I can't wait for Fedurary 14th to show you all my new story.

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