Chapter 9: Some Truths

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A/N: I hope you all enjoy!

Corciel's Pov:

Alexis pulled her head back in surprise as Lilith opened the door to the apartment. Lilith's eyes brighten as they landed on me. She grinned widely as she spoke, "Hey!"

Before she could continue, I shook my head furiously at her. I didn't need Lilith to spill the beans just yet. Lilith looked annoyed for a slip second then she spoke again, "Who's this, Lex?"

"This is Conner, he", Before Alexis could continue recognition sparked in Lilith's eyes.

She spoke with a laugh in her voice, "Of course. Conner. Nice to finally meet you".

Lilith offered me, her hand to shake. Alexis pushed Lilith's hand away. Her face slightly flushed as she said, "Don't say it like that, geez."

I raised an eyebrow at her as amusement danced in my eyes. I fought against my grin as I asked Alexis, "You make it sound like she's implying something, Doll. What's going on?"

"Nothing!", Alexis spoke the word sharply as she motioned for Lilith to move with one hand. The other hand grabbed my shirt, pulling me into their apartment, "Come on."

I followed her into the apartment, looking around at everything. I needed to distract myself from the fact that Alexis is so close. I looked back at Lilith as she closed the door behind us. She glared at me in return. I turned away from her. Silently hoping, that she won't be pissed enough to blab the truth.

Alexis let go of my shirt, once we entered the little kitchen. I stood next to three stools that are lined up in front of counter.

Alexis pointed at one of the stools, "Sit, I'll be right back."

Once Alexis left the room, Lilith hissed at me as she walked over to me. Lifting her hands to make air quotes around Conner, "What happened? Why are you Conner?"

"I didn't want her to have any bias against me, from whatever you told her about me. So I met her as Conner.", I told her with a slight glare on my face.

Before Lilith could even start to defend herself, I shook my head. I didn't want an explanation, right now.

"As for the first question, a human named Marcus tried to stake claim to what's mine.", I spoke with a growl from the anger I still had from the audacity of that human.

"The odd thing though was how his angel was staring at Alexis. I confronted him and got his name. Will you look into this for me, dear sister?", I spoke fast and in a low tone.

So, Alexis wouldn't pick up on any of this. I lifted a hand to stroke my beard, as I wondered why an angel would be interested in a human that isn't their charge. The way he looked at my Alexis unsettled me.

"Of course. What's his name?", She asked me as she placed her hands on her hips.

The sound of Alexis returning, prevented me from speaking the angel's name. Alexis put a bottle of cleaning alcohol, some cotton balls, and a few bandaids on the counter. She held a washcloth in her hand as she walked over to the sink.

She spoke as she started to run some water in the sink, "Did Conner tell you what happened?"

"He said and I quote I couldn't just let my favorite person get messed with and do nothing", Lilith spoke as she leaned against the archway between the kitchen and the living room.

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