Chapter 7: Fight for her

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A/N: I hope you enjoy!

Alexis' Pov:

Marcus tilted his head as he spoke with a wavering smile on his lips, "You say that as if we are strangers. I thought we had a good time together, Alexis?"

Anger flared in my chest from his words, like a match being struck. I took a breath, as I thought about telling him to fuck off.

Instead I said this with a bored slightly annoyed tone,"I'm trying to do my job, Marcus. What would you like to order?"

"Just get me a plain chestnut macchiato. How long have you had this job?", He answered my question, then asked one of his own.

He flashed me a smile that use to make me smile in return. Now I had to right the urge to curl my lip in disgust at him. I tapped the screen of the cash resagester a little harder than necessary as I said, "That will be 1.45."

I watched as his eyebrows pulled together as he dug out his wallet. His lips twitched before he spoke again, "You're not answering my questions, Alexis."

I didn't respond, I turn away from him to make his drink. I pulled out my phone to look up the order to make his drink. While making his drink I tried to think of all the good times that we had. Yet I couldn't see past the day our relationship came to an end.

It was an ordinary day. I went to Lilith's place to spend the weekend. Lilith went out to get some chinese food, for our anime binge of her choosing. I was checking my phone to see when Marcus would text me back.

We've been dating exclusively for about a month and half at that point.

The door opened suddenly which made me jump as I turned to face the door. Lilith kicked the door closed behind her as she rushed into the room.

"Alexis sit down. I have to tell you something terrible", She said as came into the living room with a panicked expression.

"What? Did they not have shrimp fried rice?", I asked her worried as she set all the bags down on the table.

"Marcus is cheating on you", She said the words as she sat beside me and pulled out her phone.

I blinked at the words as I repeated myself, "What?"

She tapped the screen a few times before she offered me the phone. I took her phone and swallowed in worry. I pressed play on the screen and saw Marcus walking a woman that is clearing not me, up the steps of a house.

I watched as they talked to each other, the words were muffled by the life going on in the streets. The words didn't really matter as Marcus pulled the woman closer to him by grabbing her waist. He kissed her as passionately as he kisses me.

The woman broke the kiss, gave him another peck before she went into her house. Marcus looked disappointed and walked down the steps with a slight scowl on his face. The video ended and before I could fully process that.

My phone buzzed. I sent the video to my phone from Lilith's phone. I passed Lilith her phone back, and grabbed my own. It was a message that read:

Missing you so much, babe. You think Lilith would be ok with me coming over for a bit.

I put my food down on the table and turned back to face Lilith with tears brewing in my eyes. She opened her arms for me as she said, "I'm so sorry, Lexi. Do you want me to kill him? Because I will, Just say the word."

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