Chapter 17: His Favorite Sin (Part 1)

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A/N: I hope you all enjoy! 

Corciel's Pov:

"I'm yours," She finally said in a tone that almost sounded relieved.

I lowered my head, letting my breath fan her ear. I chuckled, happy that she finally gave in to what she wanted. Holding back one's wants for too long isn't a good thing. Indulges is good every once in a while. Tonight, I intend to indulge myself fully in everything my mate will give me. How very innocent my mate is in the true nature of what I am.

I whispered in her ear, a warning of sorts, "You delicious little girl. You don't even know what that truly entails. You don't even know what I am".

She moved back until I could see her face again and arched an eyebrow at me. Her voice came out in a challenging tone as she spoke, "So tell me, right now. What are you?"

I stared into her brown eyes, seeing the curiosity there. I could also sense how pent up she is. Now could be an excellent chance to taste my mate finally. I slipped my hands back into my pockets as I spoke, "I'll tell you in the morning. Right now, get back in the car."

Her eyebrows pulled together as she clenched her jaw for a second. Her voice kept it's challenging tone, "Why would I?"

"Because your mine and I want to fuck you properly at my place, Doll," I told her as I took a step closer to her. Why did it feel so comfortable, to be honest with her?

She blinked in surprise from my words, her head tilted to the right before she asked with sass in her voice, "You can't fuck me properly here, because?"

The smirk on my face couldn't be helped at all. Alexis agreed and was simply fighting me on the location. What a mate I have, I answered her question as I gripped my car keys, "My place has the tools that will enhance the experience. Unless you don't want it, yet."

Those brown eyes of her widened for a fraction of a second at the mention of tools. A smile spread on her lips as she asked, "Are you going to tie me down and fuck me senseless, Conner?"

The excitement in her voice pleased me more than any person I have fucked. Just the mental image of that sentence made me want to push her against the side of my car and fuck her. Instead, I wordlessly got back into the car, opening the passenger side door for her to get in. I didn't have to wait long. We were on the road headed to my place in seconds. As much as I wanted to get started, I knew we needed to go over a few things before we got there.

I started off with an easy question for her, "How much do you know about BDSM?"

"Plenty, what do you want to know exactly?" She asked me back as she turned to stare at my profile.

"What are your hard limits and soft limits? What are you willing to try tonight? Do you have a safe word? If so, tell me. What is your sexual experience so far? Are you ok with feeling pain? Crying in front of me?" I asked her a few questions off the top of my head as I kept my eyes on the road.

She took a few minutes to think over my questions before I got the answers I need, "My hard limits are scat, piss, fisting of any kind, electrocution, foot stuff, blood play, water play. Soft limits include knife play, breath play, anal sex. Other than that I'm pretty game for anything. My safe word is Halo. I like a bit of pain, and I already cried in front of you once, yeah."

I went through her answers in my head as I started to properly structure how this night would go with her guidelines in place. I stopped at a red light, and turned to stare at her, "You missed a question Doll. What is your sexual experience?"

"I don't have any sexually transmitted diseases if that's what you're worried about," She said as she gave me a quick smile before she looked out at the road.

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