Chapter 42: No Longer Foggy

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A/N: I hope you all enjoy reading it! 

Alexis' Pov:

I froze on his lap as a different chill when down my spine and pooled in my stomach, I know this feeling all too well. It's dread, I asked in a slightly higher octave than normal, "What?"

"You heard me, Doll," He said clearly as his lips brushed against my jawline.

I thought about feigning ignorance for a fleeting moment. Then I decided it would only delay the inevitable, so I said in my usual tone, "Why should I?"

"I want you here all the time. I get what I want.", He spoke the words as if explaining to a child where apples come from. His lips moved back down, resting against my pulse for now.

A snort left my lips before I could think better of it. That and the clear defiant words of, "No, not happening."

Corciel hands tighten painfully on my already sore ass while he said in a deep tone, "Give me a reason."

I whimpered from the pain and tried to shift out of his hold. Which only made the pain worsen, I gritted out between my clenched teeth, "I don't have to, no is a complete sentence."

"Alexis, give me a fucking reason right now!", He threats as one of his hands moved from my ass to cup my pussy, a warm seeping into my sensitive skin.

I bit my lower lip tightly to keep from moaning. I threw my head back as the warmth started to cover every inch of me.

It was becoming hard to think of anything other than this pleasure. Why was I fighting this pleasure again?

The words Corciel whispered in my ear caused me to focus again, "Or so help me..."

I inhaled deeply through my nose before I moaned out the words, "What? You'll punish me?"

"Worse than you can imagine, for longer than you can fathom," He continued with his threat.

The warmth from his magic became hotter, mingling with the fire I already feel from his skin in a way that made me tremble again. I took another deep breath through my nose.

I leaned forward to whisper in his ear, in a teasing manner, "Sounds interesting. Please tell me more."

The warmth from his power left my body so abruptly I gasped in shock. Corciel growled darkly as he lifted me off his lap and stood while morphing into his demon form. "Talk Now!"

I stared at his demon form for the second time. Seven feet tall, His hair a pure white, now. His pupils were blood red, the whites turning a pitch black.

Straight horns came from his forehead, the tips looked to have been dipped in a pool of blood-red. Blue-grey skin decorated in black markings that starts on his face and travels downward.

I couldn't help myself as my eyes followed the intricate design, down his chest, ads, arms. His claws were out which just made his hands look bigger.

The design continued down his legs, his tail is black with a blood-red on its tip, just like the bottom of his large bat-like wings. I wondered if the design went down his back as well.

I peeked back up at Corciel's face, from the way his nostrils flared I knew he was no longer in a joking mode. It would be a mistake to ask him to turn around so that I could drool over his body more.

I swallowed as his eyes narrowed and heat filled the room, which made me thankful I was naked already. I bit my lower lip as I wanted to tell him that I wasn't going to fold just because he wants to show off his other form.

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