Chapter 8: Pyschos

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A/N: I hope you all enjoy! 

Alexis's Pov:

My heart shouldn't flutter from him calling me Doll right now. My mind shouldn't wander to Conner kissing me right now. My stomach shouldn't clench with want at that thought. I closed my eyes tightly as I tried to clear my thoughts. I took a deep breath, inhaling the light smell of burning lavender mixed with the pleasant smell of burning yew wood.

"Answer me", His husky, deep voice sounded much closer than before, I realized why when I opened my eyes.

His face is inches in front of mine. I quickly lowered my eye to their natural eye level. Which left me staring at his collar bone that peeked out from his shirt because his top button wasn't buttoned. That smell must have been him, I never really noticed his scent till just now.

I leaned closer, wanting to fill my lungs with his scent. I also wanted to see more of his skin. I balled my hands into fists to keep them still and clenched my jaw to keep myself from asking permission. I looked up at those dark brown eyes of his that looked more black than ever. I scowled at him, why does he have this effect on me?

His eyes narrowed as well, his patience was wearing thin, I could see it. I averted my eyes, looking down at his arms and his hands. His bloody hands, that got that way because of me. I reached out and grabbed his hand without thinking about it.

I tried to ignore the way touching his skin made me feel. It was hard to ignore. Touching Conner made me feel as if a fire suddenly formed in my chest. That fire is trying to every burn away all my reasons, as to why I shouldn't just hand myself over to him, mind, body, and soul.

I focused on his hand instead of these feels he brings out in me. I lifted his hand up so that I could see it better. The peeled back skin on his knuckles, the blood dripping from the wound. Anger flushed my system so fast I felt light-headed for a moment. How dare Marcus make my Conner bleed!

I turned my head in the direction of the unconscious Marcus. Scowling at him. I let go of Conner and took a step closer to Marcus. I kicked him hard between the legs. I grinned knowing that he'd feel that when he wakes up.

I turned back to Conner and finally answered his question, "I'm fine. Let me take you back to my place and clean up your wounds, please."

Conner raised an eyebrow at me before he spoke with amusement in his voice, "Why kick the man when he's down, Doll?"

"Because he hurt you", I spoke honestly without really thinking about it, I still felt too angry to think straight.

I watched the shock come on his face for a second, then it was replaced by a smile that made my heart tremble. I swallowed as the anger dissipated and embarrassment took over.

I looked away from him as I spoke, "So are you going to let me help? I owe you that much right?"

"You don't owe me anything Doll. I helped you because I wanted to help you.", He told me with a certain look in his eyes that I couldn't place. I tried not to dwell on it for too long.

I scowled at his answer and he let out a chuckle before he continued to speak, "But I can see you won't be satisfied with that response. So, I'll allow you to help. Come on, my car is out front."

He walked away without another word and I followed after him while pulling out my phone. I needed to let Lilith know that we would be having a little company. I looked up from my phone to see Connor waiting beside a sleek black expensive looking Maserati. He held the door open for me with a soft smile on his face.

I quickly rushed into the car, taking in the comfortable seat as well as the black and red interior. I pulled on my seat belt just as Conner got into the driver seat and pulled off onto the road.

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