Chapter 3: It's Been A While

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A/N: I hope you all will enjoy!

*Corciel's Pov:

My movements were becoming automatic, as my mind wandered to my mate. I wonder if she would care, if I went up there, found her mother and tortured her. Just until I got an answer from her as to why she decided to treat my mate like trash. After that, I'd kill her mother and make sure she rots in hellfire like a fucking pig.

A foot sweep under my feet, I started to fall back. I shifted my weight and my leg position until I was leaning forward while crouching a little. I clenched my jaw tightly as the tip of a needle dripping with poison got closer and closer to my eye.

"I nearly took your eye out that time", those words came out mixed with laughter from Rouen as he retracted his deadly quell back into his tattoed torso.

"Keep laughing and I'll turn you into a pile of ash", I threatened him in a low, bored tone. My eyes glowed with the power of hellfire that I and those in my bloodline, control.

Rouen lifted his arms up, locking his fingers together and locking them behind his head. His laughter died but the smile stayed on his face, "You're very testy today. What's up?"

I closed my eyes as I smothered my power. I let out a sigh as I looked at Rouen. Wondering when would the day come where he will stop trying to break the boundaries I set between us.

It was rare for demons to make friends with other demons.

It was even rarer that they lasted as long as ours has. Demons tend to look for weakness in everything and try to exploit them for power, pleasure or out of sheer boredom. That is why I usually keep Rouen on a need to know basis.

The fact that I was thinking about my mate, was definitely something he didn't need to know. The idea of Demons having a mate was thought of as a myth. Even I believed it, until the day I held that little human in the palm of my hand as I gave her life once again.

"I just need to recenter myself", I told him offhandedly, knowing that if I outright ignored him, Rouen would just keep pestering me.

I left the sparring arena and went further into my mansion. The second I couldn't sense Rouen's power anymore, I used my power to leave my little slice of hell.

My existence settled in the dark alley beside my night club. I looked down at my black dormeuil suit with a red vest and the smoke that rose from my body.

I walked away from the smoke, knowing that it would recede in seconds.I decided to make an appearance for the people. I walked around the front, to see the large crowd that formed.

There were whispers among the crowd as I walked past the line. I went straight to the entrance of the famed 3 story nightclub called Nis. Some of the women and men tried to get my attention, but I just ignored them.

With a nod of acknowledgment, I passed the bouncer and walked into the waiting room. The chipper dark skinned girl smiled and started the usual greeting that is until she realized who she was addressing.

Her smile went from professional to more relaxed and natural, "Oh, Hello sir."

I gave her a nod of acknowledgment as I walked further into the actual club. Well more like the first level of it. The first level is just like any club, bathrooms, security, one wall dedicated to the bar, and a large dance floor and DJ booth.

The second floor is a strip club, with private rooms, a waitress, and every dancer I hire is either a succubus or an incubus. The third floor is my privet office as well as my co-owner Lilith's office.

I scanned the area as I walked through it for a sight of my sister. The natural scowl on my face started to deepen as I didn't spot her anywhere. I went over to the elevator, pressing the button to call it down.

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