Chapter 39: Open and Foggy

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A/N: I hope you all enjoy it!

Baltazar's Pov:

I smiled as she looked around the room for any sign of me. That smile flattered at the crude way Corciel answered her question.

"He left after I came on his face,'' He said with a long-winded and smokey exhale.

"What?" Alexis asked with bewilderment written all over her face.

"Why do you care?", Corciel asked with slight irritation before taking another deep inhale from the blunt.

Alexis gave him a pout that made my hearts flutter, the expression changed to a mild scowl as she said, "I want both of you. What part of that do you not understand?"

Corciel's blew out the smoke before answering her scowl with one of his own as he spoke with seething sarcasm, "I suppose since you weren't waiting 22 years for me, it might not feel like a big deal to just add him into the equation."

Alexis tried to shift away from Corciel, which only ended with her huffing in frustration. Corciel wasn't letting her move an inch away from him.

Her scowl deepened, the tired frustration in her tone as clear as glass as she spoke, "You think I let people get close to me easily? That my trust isn't earned? Did you think I would even propose the poly relationship until I was completely sure that this was what I wanted? Oh and who was the one that encouraged me to give in to my desires recently, I wonder? You are both my soulmates, the, lest you can do, is try to get along for the sake of keeping my sanity."

Corciel rolled his eyes as he accused with another pull from the blunt, "You're acting like a child"

"How so?", She asked through clenched teeth as he passed the blunt to her.

Corciel's nostrils flared then he looked away from her as he answered, "You're dismissing my feelings like they mean nothing to you."

Alexis took two deep lungfuls of smoke before she answered him, repeating her earlier words, "You are both equally important to me. I want to spend time with both of you. Last night was so perfect with the three of us, right?"

Corciel took the blunt she offered him before he questioned her, making air quotes with his fingers, "You think that angel will sit on the couch and smoke 'the devil's lettuce' with us happily?"

Alexis looked away from him with a shrug, "I don't know, that's why I want to know where he is, so I can ask him."

After a few seconds of silence, Corciel spoke again, "I'll tell you where he is if you answer the question you've been avoiding."

I could make myself visible right then and there. But would I want to sit on the couch with them and smoke the blunt as well?

It would lower my alertness and cause me to perform my duties poorly. That is if I allowed it to affect me, which I think Alexis would want so that we can all relax together.

If I refused to smoke would Alexis be disappointed in me, and ask me to leave? Just the thought of it makes my wings tremble in fear, I don't ever want to disappoint her.

My thoughts were interrupted by her voice, "Fine, Marcus showed up at work saying I owed him one dance and a drink, I told him no. He didn't like that but he did leave."

She paused biting on her lower lip before she continued, "I saw him on the bus ride home, it was a full bus but he somehow managed to get to me. He was saying how we are better as a couple, how he's changed. I wasn't buying it and I told him that."

She paused again taking the new long blunt Corciel offered her. He lit it with his finger and she took a long hit.

Alexis rubbed her forearm as she exhaled the smoke and continued with emotion getting thicker in her voice from each word, "He got angry, gripped my wrist while yelling at me that we would be together and I had no choice in the manner. He would do whatever it takes to have me because I will always be his. It doesn't matter if I whore myself out to every man that stupid enough to want to me, I'm his."

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