Chapter 19: His Favorite Sin ( Part 3)

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A/N: I hope you all enjoy!

Corciel's Pov:

I walked over to the dresser, grabbing two shorter lengths of red rope. An adjustable spreader bar with cuffs attached. Tweezer nipple clamps with a connected chain attached to a sizeable weight. I placed the rope over my shoulder and held the now small bar and clamps in each hand.

I walked over to her, placing the bar on her flat lower back as well as the clamps. A gasp got caught in her throat from the feel of the cool metal on her skin. I traced my fingers over the goosebumps that rose on her skin, next time I'll do some fire and ice play on her. If she'll give me a next time.

I clenched my jaw to clear my head as I moved in front of her. I grabbed the rope of my shoulder and started to tie one end around her ponytail. I ran the other end through the hole where her wrist should be and tied it tight.

She sucked in air through her teeth and let out a groan that stayed in her throat. I smiled at her effort to stay as quiet as she could. Tonight wasn't about her being quiet, I wanted her to be a loud, teary-eyed, screaming mess.

"You're adorable, Doll", I told her in an almost patronizing tone as I let my fingers brush against her soft lips.

Her eyes lowered from my face to the floor. She pressed her lips in a thin line, before licking them. I didn't like the lack of response, the sadist in me hissed at me to slap her in the face. I didn't because I wasn't sure how'd she react to it. 

I didn't want the night over before it has begun. So I simply tied off the other rope, so that Alexis was forced to keep her head up and facing the mirror as I spanked her.

I tilted my head as I looked down at her as she shifted as much as she could in her new found position. Fuck, she looks so helpless like this it made my dick throb. I bend down and adjusted the height of the pillory a little lower, just so that she could get a better view of her own ass.

I wanted her to watch as I gave her a warm up at least. With that done, I moved behind her eager to continue the setup. Only to find her legs squeezed together in a way that I knew she was getting a small amount of pleasure from.

I resisted the urge to smack her thighs as punishment for this. She didn't know all my rules yet. I grabbed her ankles, spreading them apart slightly. I grabbed the spreader bar, cuffed her ankles then stretched the bar out until I heard her hiss in pain. With her legs spread nicely, yet not as far as I'd like, I finally looked between her legs.

I growled in approval at the sight of her juices slicking her lower lips. I gripped her thighs tightly and moved my hand up further until I sank my fingers into the flesh of her ass cheeks. I used my thumb to spread her outer lips apart, taking in the sight of her wet, pink pussy.

"What made your fat pussy wet already Doll? Tell your King", I spoke in a deeper voice than normal as I made it clear that I wanted a response this time.

She let out a light moan as she tried to wiggle out of my grasp, I simply gripped her ass harder. Alexis let out an adorable whine before she finally gave me an answer, "It was the rope, my King. I didn't expect to like being tied up so much."

I hummed in approval as I moved from between her legs. I needed to because if I stayed any longer, I'd dive right in and eat her for hours. I stood next to her back and grabbed the tweezer nipple clamps from their resting place.

I bend down on my knees and reached for her right breast, squeezing the nipple between my fingers. Once her nipple was hard enough I attached the tweezer clamp, moving the little circle up far so that it pinched her nipple tightly.

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