Chapter 30: A Taste

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A/N: I hope you all will enjoy it!

Alexis' Pov:

I couldn't hold back the moan if I tried. His warm tongue completely dominated my mouth, tasting every inch. The hand in my hair twisted slightly, which caused my scalp to tingle from the pain. I moved both my hands from my chest, gripping his button-up shirt instead. I needed to hold on to something to keep me grounded. The fog of arousal was already trying to claim my mind.

"My apologies, I need to go", Baltazar's voice reached my ears, reminding me once again that I am not alone with Corciel.

I pulled back from the kiss, lowering my head as I tried to calm my body. I felt so hot from touching Corciel, and kissing him made me so wet. I licked my lips before I turned to face Baltazar again. I took in the sight of his slightly flushed face as I asked, "Is everything ok?"

"I don't know, that's why I need to go", Baltazar told me in an almost rushed manner.

He looked between Corciel and me before he spoke again, "Be safe."

Before I could reply he was gone from sight. Corciel let go of me and walked over to his desk. I reached for him as the fear that he was leaving me as well suddenly clung to me. I curled my hands into fists, forcing them at my sides.

I reminded myself that he just agreed to my terms for our relationship. Or more accurately it's trial run, I took a calming breath as Corciel reached his desk. He stared at me as he opened his pants, pushing them down his legs along with his boxers.

I gasped as that calming breath became useless now. My mouth watered and my walls clenched at the second clear look of his cock. Midnight black, thick, decorated in veins, suspended in the air by his hardened state. How did I manage to have that thing inside me multiple times last week?

"Come here. I need to explain some things and I'd rather do it with that mouth choking on my cock", He ordered, growling the words out.

He wrapped a loose hand around his shaft as he sat in his chair. It was impossible at this point to do anything other than what he told me. I was already a little horny and the sight of him made me want more. As I walked over to him, I wondered if he was planning to fuck me on his desk as well.

I watched as another camera appeared in his hand, the red light glowing steadily as he recodes what about to happen. My eyes widened a fraction at the fact that when he moved his hand, the camera stays suspended in the air. The second I was in front of him, I lowered myself to my knees.

I placed my hands on his thighs as I moved my head closer to his cock. I swallowed suddenly felt nervous. What if I mess up? What if I accidentally use teeth or throw upon him? I looked up at him, as I took a calming breath, "I've never done this before"

Corciel stared down at me with smoldering onyx eyes, a smile on his face that made me feel like his prey. The camera pointing down at me as well. He moved his hand from his cock to rest on my cheek. His cock bobbed in the air on its own, my eyes widened in amazement.

"Open your mouth, stick out your tongue and suck. I'll do the rest, Doll", He told me as he guided my face closer to his cock.

Again I followed his order, his fat head felt hot against my tongue. I moved my head forward eager for more, his shaft felt just as hot. Yet there was also the smooth, soft skin covering his thick hardness and bulging veins. I wrapped my lips around his shaft and started to suck.

"Such a good Doll", He said the words within a sigh as he moved both his hands to the back of my head.

I moved my head forward, taking his cock a little deeper into my mouth. Then I moved my head back, moaning from the feeling. He felt so hot and full and heavy in my mouth.

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