Chapter 14: Temptation for a Demon

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A/N: I hope you all enjoy!

Corciel's Pov:

I sat in my car outside the house with a few cars parked in front of it. I was hoping to catch Alexis and Lilith before they left for this party. I clenched my jaw as I thought about earlier when she interrupted my training. That whole conversation just pissed me off.

I want to be more than what I have always been. The only way to do that is to become the king. To do that, I need to train, harder than I ever had. Which is exactly what I was doing when Lilith came into my basement, turned into my own personal gym. I was already drenched in sweat, pounding the weight bag with punches and kicks, when I heard Lilith's entrance.

"What are you doing here?", I grunted at her as I threw a few more punches at the bag.

"She misses you terribly", Lilith told me as she walked over to me.

I clenched my jaw, ignoring the part of me that wanted to go to Alexis. I hit the punching bag with more force as I grunted again, "You didn't answer my question? She doesn't know what she misses."

"She would if you were just fucking honest with her.", Lilith snapped at me as she grabbed the punching bag on the backswing, keeping it just out of my reach.

"I'm not ready to meet her like this, ok. Just leave it alone.", I snarled at her as I stepped forward and landed a hard kick on the punching bag, which caused Lilith to stumble back.

She glared at me as she pushed her hair out of her face. She gestured to me as if I was pathetic, "and training like crazy to enter the battle royal, will make you ready?"

"Yes!", I answered her as I turned to face her with a scowl on my face. I hit the punching bag again, tearing it open.

"You are so fucking insufferable!", She yelled at me as she landed a kick on the punching bag sending it flying across the room.

She threw her hands in the air before dragging them down her face as she mumbled out, "How can you have two?"

I stalked over to her until we were practically chest to chest. I glared down at her, "What do you mean?"

"I'll tell you. If you come to a Halloween party later. Alexis and I are going as demons, meet her as yourself," She poked my chest then made a disgusted expression and wiped her wet finger on my face.

I pulled her in a hug as payback, hearing her cry of disgust was satisfying. It only lasted a few seconds, because she turned to smoke and went back to earth. Lilith can be such a pain in the ass sometimes. Does she really think that Alexis will be fine with the fact that I am a demon that basically has a claim on her soul? Maybe Her mother was right, I am no good for her as some high-level demon. I need to be a king, then I can have her.

I looked out the window, staring at the house that I knew my soulmate is in right now. She's in there dressed as a demon, for Halloween. I got out of the car and headed for the front door. Convincing myself that just one look would satisfy my curiosity. Once I was in the house I scanned the living room for my mate.

There she was, next to Lilith. Lilith wasn't in her full demon form, she matched Alexis. Just horns, wings and a tail. Those three things on my soul mate suddenly made me very hungry for her. Mixed with the outfit that showed off more of her skin than I am used to seeing, it made that hunger become nearly painful.

I knew that I couldn't just leave the party now. She is too tempting for her own good. I looked around to see if anyone else noticed my mate. There were a few of the humans sneaking glances at her. I wonder if they'd still stare as I claimed my mate, right there? I reached down to adjust my hardening cock before I rushed over to her side.

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