Chapter 33: Witness His Favorite sin (Part 1/4)

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A/N: I hope you all enjoy reading! 

Corciel's Pov:

I felt anxious for some reason as I finished up my work for the night. I had no reason to worry, I knew exactly how the night would go. A darker part of me chuckled as he pushed his version of how the night would end. It was the clearest image in my mind.

Alexis suspended in the air by a rough rope tied painfully around her arms. Her hair tied in a knot by more rope that kept her head up facing the camera.

Her back, ass, and thighs covered in bruises, dripping red wax and hot welts from a harsh whip. I would walk around to see her tear-stained face, her mouth filled with a jaw aching ball gag.

I would see the slight relief in her brown eyes, the sight would cause a frown to form on my face. I didn't want to see relief, I wanted to see fear, pain, and pleasure. I summoned a knife to my hand, swirling it easily between my fingers.

I told her in a cold, sadistic tone, "I'm far from done. I think my Doll would look so much prettier painted in blood, don't you?"

I gripped her perky breast in my hand tightly. With my other hand, I pressed the cold steel to her warm skin. I saw it than the fear as she uselessly shook her head at me. My lips curled in a smirk as I sliced her skin open.

Her muffled groan of pain sounded like music. I kept moving my knife until she wore a bleeding capitalized c on her left breast. I leaned forward, licking away the delicious red from her skin with a demonic growl.

My phone rang pulling me from my thoughts. I answered it without looking as my other hand reached down to palm my now aching erection. My tone was harsh, "What!"

There were a few seconds of nothing then the subject of my fansites spoke to me in a quiet tone, "You still want me tonight, right?"

"Yes, are you ready now?" I asked as I lifted my hand from my lap, I quickly started to close everything on my laptop and shut it down.

"Yeah", She answered.

"Good", With that, I ended the call and quickly left my club as any normal human would.

I didn't see Lilith anywhere so, I left the manager in charge. I made sure they knew not to call me unless it was an emergency. Once I was outside I took a right into the alley, letting the darkness of the shadows around me.

I teleported to my soulmate, appearing behind her. Alexis stood in front of her closet, wearing only a t-shirt and panties. She smelled fresh, clean a mix of lavender body wash and her natural scent of wildflowers mixed with the soft heat of the sun.

Her hands were on her hips, her hair in a single ponytail. My hands twitched with the urge to grab her as I daydreamed a week ago. My inner darkness whispered at me to do it. If she couldn't handle this, our relationship wouldn't work, right?

This is just a taste. She'll have to know my darkness eventually, right? I did give her a warning, and actions speak louder than words. My eyes traveled up and down her barely clothed body, so perfect.

I made my movements silent as I walked closer to her. I covered her mouth with one hand. My other hand wrapped around her waist, lifting up to grasp her left breast. She jerked and struggled in my arms.

One hand grabbed the wrist of the hand over her mouth. The other arm was thrown back, hitting me in the ribs with her elbow. Her foot stomped back hard on my foot. I chuckled as I moved my hand from her mouth to her throat.

"Fucking Christ, are you fucking craz-!", She started to scream in outrage, that is until I squeezed her throat.

Her scream turned into a choked wheeze. I lowered my head until my lips were near her ear, "You knew it was me once my skin touched yours. You're not in any real danger, Doll"

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