Chapter 21: The Morning After (part 1)

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A/N: I hope you all enjoy!

Alexis' Pov:

I woke up in an bed I wasn't familiar with, which made me sit up in fright. The fast movement made my body ache. The ache ran through my body in a way that pushed the sleep out of my mind and remind me of last night. I looked down at my arms, the sight of the imprints that the rope left on my skin sent arousal through me.

I pushed off the blanket looking down at the clear bite mark that laid on my inner thigh. The ache on my ass became unbearable so I scooted myself off the bed. My legs shook under my own weight, like I was newly born fawn. I grabbed onto the frame of the bed in an attempt to keep myself from falling.

I took in deep slow breaths in an attempt to gain some control over my shaking legs. After a minute my legs felt normal again, so I started to walk towards the bathroom. I caught the sight of my reflection in the mirror, and I gasped. My hair looked crazy, which was normal, because I'm a wild sleeper.

What wasn't normal, is the hickeys on my neck and breast, as well as the intricate design the rope left on my skin. I turned and gasped yet again at the sight of the heart shaped bruises on each ass cheek. Conner really did do a number on me, didn't he. I wrapped my arms around myself as I waited for regret or shame to hit me.

When they never did, I let out a light laugh and continued on my way to the bathroom. I fixed my hair by simply combing my fingers through my still straighten hair. I tossed them back up in the twin ponytails, before I slipped on a shower cap. I hopped into the shower and cursed out loud when I found the hot water wasn't working at all.

"What the hell? The hot water was working fine last night!", I growled as I begrudgingly grabbed the soap bar and washed my body faster than I ever had before.

I clenched my jaw to prevent my teeth from clashing as a reaction from the cold. I dried off quickly before reaching in the bin where I tossed my clothes in from yesterday.The bin was empty aside from the button up shirt that Conner wore yesterday. I pulled out his shirt and shrugged it on, butting up a few of the buttons.

"I really hope he doesn't question me about the costume. Where is he anyway?", I said my thoughts out loud as I exited the bathroom.

Did he regret last night? Did he just leave and toss out my stuff as some petty way of making it like last night never happened? Does he hate me now? Or did he just get what he wanted and now he's done with me? Holy shit am I an idiot?

I tugged on his sleeves until they covered my hands. It oddly made me feel better in a way, almost like I was still his. I bite my lip as I left the play room and checked the room beside it. I knocked timidly, waiting for any type of reply. When I got none, I opened the door only to be faced with a spare bedroom that is empty. I let out a sigh as I closed the door behind me.

"He didn't just ditch you, Alexis. Calm your titts", I whispered to myself and I turned to enter the other door, next to the playroom.

This room held a large tv screen mounted on the wall, large speakers, a few game systems. As well as a large comfortable looking couch with built in cup holders. And carpeted floor, it look as expensive as the rest of this place. Connor nowhere in sight, I left the media room and walked back until I was in front of the play room.

I wrapped my arms around myself, rubbing my hands up and down my arms gently. I took in slow breaths as I tried to calm my nerves, my stomach felt like it was knotting up. I started to walk down the hall that held the dining room on one side and the balcony with the hot tubs on the other.

A voice I didn't expect called out my name loudy,"Alexis!"

I turned my head toward the balcony, I stared at Baltazar standing there in his suit, looking very worried. I walked over to the sliding door and opened it. Was I dreaming?

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