Chapter 12: Pent Up (Part 1)

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A/N: I hope you enjoy!

Alexis' Pov:

"Alexis", Baltazar's soothing voice whisper next to my ear as I felt his arms wrap around me.

"I don't remember falling asleep", I told him as I relaxed in his hold, turning around so that I could see his beautiful face.

I lifted my hands to play with the dark hair that makes up his cleanly kept, short trim beard and mustache. It fit his strong jaw line. I let my fingers trace down his straight nose, and brush against his pink lips. My eyes snapped up from his lips to his eyes. His iris seemed to always shift through every color. I moves my hands up into his soft brown hair.

My eyes flicker back down to his lips as I spoke, "Baltazar, why haven't you kissed me yet?"

His eyes widen a fraction as his warm skin becoming flush at my question. He blinked a few times as he turned his head away from me, "I've never done that before, but that's not why I'm here. I want to-"

I grinned wickedly from his response, but it quickly turned into a frown. I moved my hand, gently turning his head to face me again.

I raised an eyebrow at him as I spoke, "What are you talking about Baltazar? I conjered you up because I felt so alone and I wanted someone to make me feel loved. I want a kiss, please."

I closed my eyes and puckered my lips a little, waiting for my kiss. It felt odd telling a figment of my imagination, how pathetic I am. I have told Baltazar worse things about myself, so I shouldn't be all that worried.

"Alexis, I'm real. I'm an angel that has been pulled in to your dreams at night. I am your soulmate, at least one of them. I came here to tell you, that you might be in danger because of my friend. I will handle him and that might take time, so I wanted to tell you so that you won't think I left you again", He spoke seriously as he lifted his hands from my waist to grab my wrists, tugging my hands off of him.

I scoffed as I made grabby hands at him, "That sounds fake, but ok. Now can I have a kiss?"

He gave me a soft smile as he leaned forward, planting a kiss on my forehead before he disappeared as always. I sighed heavily and stomped my foot, "That's not what I meant. Ugh, I need to get laid."

I woke up feeling more tired than when I feel asleep. I grabbed my phone to check the time. eight am, I let out a groan. That's way too early for a saturday.  I rolled over and feel back to sleep, this time I didn’t remember my dream at all. I decided to finally get out of bed, I used the bathroom before I headed out in the apartment. I was surprised to see Lilith pacing in the living room.

“Hey, Lil what’s up?”,I spoke to her as I leaned against the archway.

She didn’t respond to me, she just keep pacing back and forth. I pulled my eyebrows together in worry as I called out to her again, only to get no response once again. I frowned as I walked into the room, I paused mid step. My head felt flushed with a warmth, colores danced in front of my eyes. I grabbed the arm of the couch as I felt off balance. I placed a hand on my stomach as I realized that I really should eat something.

I took slow even breaths, waiting until I felt normal again before I moved. I wanted to know what was up with my best friend first, then I’d eat something. I walked in her path, grabbing her shoulders, shaking her lightly.

“Yo bitch, you good?”, I asked louder than my normal volume, as I gave her a concerned look.

She blinked a few time before she really forced on me. She gave me an annoyed look as she respond, “Yeah, I’m good.”

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