Chapter 10: Counseling a Cupid

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A/N: I hope you all enjoy!

Baltazar's pov:

It's been a few days since that last time I followed the pull to Alexis. Every day that passed it as getting harder and harder to ignore the pull. I needed some answered before I faced Alexis again. Answers to questions, I'm not sure if I should even be asking. I am an angel.

My purpose is to love God. And, protect Heaven whenever needed. And, watch over my human charge while, encourage them to make the best decisions that will spread god's love on earth. Yet the night I was finally able to look Alexis in the eyes, I just knew she was a part of my purpose as well.

It made no sense at all why I feel that way. I suppose that's why I have so many questions. Like why do I feel so hollow being away from her? Why does she stay in my mind no matter what I do? Why do I long to be by her side? Why do I feel these things in the first place?

I remembered the last encounter I had with her. My face heated as I remembered the way she walked over to me, with her clothes falling off. I know that it was just a dream, yet it still has an affect. I wanted her. She made me want to sin.

I bit my own tongue as I quickly prayed for forgiveness for having such thoughts. I was so wrapped up in my own head, I forgot I was in the company of someone who knew me well.

"What is wrong, old friend?"Torriat asked me, with a raised eyebrow as he leaned a little closer to me.

I opened my eyes, taking in the sight of the game board between us. I quickly grabbed one of the pieces and made my move. I knocked off three of his pieces in that move.

As I scooped up his pieces I spoke with a smile, "I was just planning my attack."

Torriat narrowed his eyes at me as he spoke with a hard  edge to his words, "You seem to be in a haze for these past few days. Are you sure, you're alright Baltazar?"

"Yes, now make your move, Torriat", My words came out with a hard edge as well. If he wished to pick a fight just because I have been a little hazy as he put it, then fine.

We stared at each other in the silence that became much more honstial as the seconds ticked away. Torriat suddenly gave me a smile as he said, "Well, someone is very eager to lose".

We returned to playing and I won the game. We planned a rematch for the next time we each had free time. Torriat left to look after his charge. I decided that I should get answers to my questions. I left to visit the angels that are well verse with emotions. The cupids.

The trip was a short one, I had time to call on Giovanni and alert him of my arrival. I stood in front of his office and smiled as Giovanni, opened the door with a wide smile on his face. We embraced for a few seconds, then he pulled me into his office. I wondered what it would feel like to embrace Alexis and not just her subconscious.

"What bring you here my friend?", Giovanni asked as he leaned against his desk.

I took a seat at one of the chairs in front of his desk. I lifted my hands and ran them through my hair, "It's a personal matter."

Giovanni's eyes light up as his smile widened, "Oh have you found your self falling in love?"

I felt my face brighten with a blush. I shook my head as I slowly dragged my hands down from my hair to my face. I took a breath before I answered him, "I wouldn't call it love. It's more like an irrational attachment."

Giovanni raised an eyebrow, his smile didn't wane one bit. He  walked closer to me as he said, "Well, let's just see what your heart says about this."

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